Author |
TOPIC: Sponsors |
| still cookin
May 14, 2010 3:17:13 PM
Entry #: 3475231
| First and foremost I would like to thank the sponsors of the various ball teams for their willingness to participateg in making Unionville a great place to live and play in.
I however see this website as a sports orientated site and not a marketing site. There is a page dedicated to the sponsors that should anyone visiting the site wish to inquire about a sponsors services or products they may like to buy or use. Sponsors pertainent information such as addresses and website info can be found there.
In my opinion the sponsors should not have their own page on the main menu of the site. If we allow a few to have their own page then everyone could conceivably get their own page on the main menu.
This would kind of take away from the website idea if this were to happen.
| Harry Package
May 14, 2010 4:08:23 PM
Entry #: 3475317
| You're entitled to your opinion chef, but so am I. I think you're dead wrong. Sponsors help pay for the league (which includes this website) and should be allowed to show their wares. As an 18 years sponsor, my 9k has helped fund your ball. You should be grateful and supportive. As a member, I try to support the fellow sponsors whenever possible. I think we should all be a little more cognisant of them moving forward. Not sure what you do, but times are tough. Ask yourself how you would feel if the cost of ball doubled next season. Don't take them for granted. It seems to me that if a tab can exist concerning RF/RA from 3 seasons ago, there is space enough for the guys that pay some of the bills.... I guess opinions are like a$$holes after all!
| MBA89
May 14, 2010 5:13:08 PM
Entry #: 3475401
| Well said Harry. All sponsors should put up their ads on this site. End of discussion.
| still cookin
May 15, 2010 8:53:09 AM
Entry #: 3475746
| Do the math Harry and MBA89, the $1500 for 3 years is $500 per year or $35 per player not $165 per player as you suggest. I doubt that if the league charged an additional $35 per year to play that many of the players would not spend that additional cost when realistically they probably spend that at the bar after each game.
The $1500 did not increase when the website was brought on board so your money didn't pay for that through increases in your sponsorship fee.
All I am saying is that this is a site dedicated to the USPL not an advertsising site.
Okay, lets allow other non sponsoring businesses to advertise then. Generate enough income that the baseball would be free for all. I am sure that we could find competitors to all of the sponsors that would love to advertise on a site like this given the demographics of the group that visit it. It should only cost them $500 per year or about equal to a one time 1/4 page ad in the economist which never gets read.
| Gimme
May 15, 2010 9:38:26 AM
Entry #: 3475756
| Time for your Ritalin again, Cooky! Take a double dose this time.
| Harry Package
May 15, 2010 10:03:54 AM
Entry #: 3475769
| Wow. You're welcome, I guess ...
| manuel labor
May 16, 2010 7:06:43 PM
Entry #: 3476367
| I think Cookie is upset because he cannot sell his recipes on this forum. What a flustered chef, calm down buddy.
| jamie b
May 17, 2010 11:15:31 AM
Entry #: 3477031
| A HUGE thumbs down to still cookin' for his ignorant comment about allowing sponsors OF OUR LEAGUE to advertise. Are kidding me? Your statement about allowing outside agencies to advertise isn't even valid here. We're talking about sponsors who give their money to put a shirt on your back, allow for the league to run as well as it does and you're questioning that. Ridiculous. Thank you to all our sponsors!
| Catapult
May 17, 2010 11:59:07 AM
Entry #: 3477103
| The sponsors deserve as much advertising on this site as they want. For me I like to do business with people I know and if they want to promote a special on this site and I am able to benefit from it then why would anyone complain.
On a similar topic we have about 300 players in this league and for most of us that are lucky, we have jobs. Throughout the course of the year I may need a carpenter, car salesman insurance guy etc... As mentioned I think we would all rather have work done by people we know then strangers, so have we ever given thought to a league contact list with names of players and their professions. I know I would probably use it quite often.
| Lewdog
May 17, 2010 12:13:54 PM
Entry #: 3477128
| I think that is a great idea, Chris, can we make a tab for a members list? I will be happy to talk to the team reps and head this up for all those who wish to participate.
Jeff Lewis
| Notta Tit 2 B Fondled..
May 17, 2010 2:43:42 PM
Entry #: 3477424
| Still Cook'in must be suffering from a concussion caused by repeatedly turning his head to watch bombs sail over the outfield wall...
Every sponsor should have the right to advertise...they, as well as the players, make this league what it is.
| Catapult
July 19, 2010 4:57:04 PM
Entry #: 3530492
| Hey Jeff, did you ever get anywhere with a league profession list?
Doug Crupi