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May 18, 2010
3:05:57 PM

Entry #: 3478779
The secret project is revealed. It's on the home page. Check it out!


May 18, 2010
3:42:12 PM

Entry #: 3478835
Wow, that is amazing...I see absolutely nothing except "Oh no they didnt, yes they did" Is it supposed to be some sort of May 18th fools day joke?


May 18, 2010
3:44:05 PM

Entry #: 3478838
Oh now I see a blank white square where a rectangular picture might go(?)


May 18, 2010
4:00:21 PM

Entry #: 3478867
Hmmmmmmmm, try this then......



May 18, 2010
4:02:01 PM

Entry #: 3478868
That is why, you tube is blocked at work...I will watch it when I get home


May 18, 2010
5:02:06 PM

Entry #: 3478941
Well done guys. That took a ton of effort and the video turned out pretty darn good. You are ridiculous and I love it.


May 18, 2010
5:26:18 PM

Entry #: 3478962
I hate you...because I am not as cool as you.


May 18, 2010
5:45:19 PM

Entry #: 3478983

not gonna say

May 18, 2010
7:56:00 PM

Entry #: 3479156
That was so cool and sexy that you ALMOST got me to switch teams...


May 18, 2010
9:34:01 PM

Entry #: 3479290
WOW...good stuff - well done fella's, entertain'n!!!


May 19, 2010
9:50:09 AM

Entry #: 3479663
Hey guys, on Frank's recommendation, I checked out the video you made.

Awesome, totally awesome. Well done and very entertaining.


May 20, 2010
8:19:12 PM

Entry #: 3481603
haha, that's pretty damn good, nice work fellas


May 24, 2010
2:51:22 PM

Entry #: 3484550
awesome video!

Upset Viewer

May 26, 2010
2:51:33 PM

Entry #: 3486953
I am confused why the video is blocked so that I can not watch it any more. please fix this. thank you


May 26, 2010
3:42:13 PM

Entry #: 3487004
The video is blocked for a variety of PR reasons. If you would like access to it you need a gmail account. Email erik-hill@hotmail.com with your gmail address and I can make it available.


May 27, 2010
3:17:41 PM

Entry #: 3487965
So the Knights will be sued and soon out of the league?


May 27, 2010
4:36:21 PM

Entry #: 3488063
I'm glad you've taken that offensive video down. That is not how we true knights dance, and we never pass out at the table, it's not noble.


May 27, 2010
10:01:37 PM

Entry #: 3488328
Badger 4 Beaver and D-Pain made some monetary requests that we simply could not meet.

Mercury Morris

May 28, 2010
8:31:26 AM

Entry #: 3488546
You guys couldn't even keep that video up a full week, guess what we did for 17 weeks straight..... yep, you guessed it, stayed perfect.

'72 fins.

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