This site has not been updated and will be removed from the LeagueLineup network shortly. If you'd like to keep the site active please log in to the administration section.

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Author TOPIC: updates

May 24, 2010
5:34:05 PM

Entry #: 3484709
hey guys, I am doing my best to keep the website up to date. I can only do so with your help. I need you to get your game results to me, winning team is responsible. BUT, losing teams, if you see that your game has not been reported feel free to do so. It is only going to help your sponsors by being put in the paper. We cannot report incomplete standings to the paper. It makes the league look bad. so please help us help your sponsors by getting me that info. also if you see your roster is not on here feel free to send me that too. you may have turned it in to Dewey or Groove, but I have not gotten it yet. Those of you that have not turned one in yet you better! you can use the online forms to submit your game results or email them to me,

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