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Author TOPIC: WBA Sweet Sixteen

June 2, 2010
12:29:22 AM

Entry #: 3491658
Haven't played enough games yet fellas, we'll see where we're at the end of June. The season heats up now, it's go time.


June 2, 2010
12:47:23 AM

Entry #: 3491661
You guys haven't beaten anyone noteworthy yet, though Brill and Hayward could prove to be dangerous as the year goes on. You're yet to prove you've got what you did last year. Don't think you're quite as good as you think you are, prove it.


June 2, 2010
9:55:44 AM

Entry #: 3491902
If Brill and EC aren't noteworthy, then I dont know who is. EC is a non-league game, but Brill is. If the fact that they beat EC in a non-league game is the argument, they will not play any noteworthy teams the entire season as long as Brill and Haugen Hornets are not considered worthy competition.


June 2, 2010
10:03:28 AM

Entry #: 3491914
BTW after looking at the site and refreshing my memory, that ranking is a freaking joke anyway. At the end of last season he has the Spooner Cardinals, Grantsburg Honkers, and St Croix Ravens in honorable mention without anything for the Hornets or Millers, who were 2nd and 3rd in the Indy last year and made it to the second round of playoffs. Wouldnt put too much stock into one guy from Southern WI.


June 2, 2010
10:12:47 AM

Entry #: 3491932
Good call Frank. Spectator is right though too, we suck...


June 2, 2010
4:16:27 PM

Entry #: 3492512
Yep, those guys from Brill "might" prove dangerous later on. And the St. Louis Cardinals "might" be a factor in the NL Central.

If teams don't lose anyone and only add players, and no starters are at risk for decline from age, it's a safe assumption that the teams ability and "dangerousness" will be similar to prior years.

I will go out on a limb here and predict that the Knights, Brill, the Hornets, and the EC Bears will all be good again this year, even before they put up a full season of numbers.

Tim Duncan

June 2, 2010
5:29:26 PM

Entry #: 3492566
The identity of the spectator is Rich Lindsey, nice try with zen master motivational technique, i see right through you


June 2, 2010
9:40:51 PM

Entry #: 3492773
I thought so too Timmy, but I checked the IP and it's definately not Rich.


June 3, 2010
9:17:43 AM

Entry #: 3493038
Definitely, not definately...

I thought it was Rich also, but I am here to tell you that you guys are the BEST team ever.

Mercury Morris

June 3, 2010
1:03:22 PM

Entry #: 3493331
Kirby, what if other teams improve in bigger strides than those you have listed. Could they then be better overall?

Example, if Brill, Knights, etc were a 7 out of 10 last year in cool points and the Belters were a 5 out of 10, the Belters increase 4 cool points, but the Millers, Knights, etc only increase 1 cool point this year, then would it be safe to say that the Belters have more cool points than Brill, Knights, etc?!?

Or a better suited statement, something I know a lot about, if the phins have 5 out of 10 cool points in 71, and the Washington Redskins have 7 out of 10 cool points and all of a sudden the skins only gain 1 cool point and the phins gain 5 cool point, who wins? You're right, the 72 phins win, because no one has ever beaten them!!

3 morals of the story, if you're not constantly working to get better you will get beat even if your team stays the same, or slightly increases & if you're not first you're last & most importantly, if you're not the 72 dolphins you're not perfect!

Charlie Hustle

June 3, 2010
1:39:58 PM

Entry #: 3493389
Merc - I hear you...you are absolutely right, well put!


June 3, 2010
2:01:47 PM

Entry #: 3493420
That did not even remotely answer the question at hand and we are all dumber for having read it.


June 3, 2010
3:32:06 PM

Entry #: 3493518


June 3, 2010
4:28:48 PM

Entry #: 3493570
Mercury, you're assuming that A LOT of teams got comparatively better if the Knights shouldn't be respected for beating Brill and EC. For both Brill and EC to be no long considered good competition, it would assume that most other teams in the state not only gained on them but surpassed them. Just because the Yankees aren't in first place right now doesn't mean they're not tough competition and that they shouldn't be respected as the defending champions, same for the EC Bears.

I think all that champagne you've been drinking over the years is starting to ruin your brain.

Mercury Morris

June 4, 2010
9:22:24 AM

Entry #: 3494100
Are the Yankees undefeated? Didn't think so, they obviously wouldn't be touch competition for the 72' phins.

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