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Author TOPIC: 50
Frank Means

June 16, 2010
3:00:26 PM

Entry #: 3505485
Last weeks win over Grantsburg puts the knights at 46-4 in their last 50 league games, nice work fellas, keep it up

Wizard of Westwood

June 16, 2010
3:19:47 PM

Entry #: 3505500
Your only as good as your last game. Don't settle, improve.

Here is some baseball philosophy for you. "You pick up the paper sometimes and read where a player says, 'I can't play for this manager or teamate.' Makes me laugh. You don't play for the manager, you play for the team. This is who I play for (the Reds). I play for the 24 other players, the manager, the trainer - everybody on the TEAM." Pete Rose - Part of the 1975/76 Big Red Machine

3-The Real Frank Means

June 16, 2010
8:48:18 PM

Entry #: 3505759
That was most definitely not me who said that...


June 16, 2010
8:51:27 PM

Entry #: 3505760
There is only one person I know who puts the word "fellas" in his posts.

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