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Author TOPIC: take notice lowly birds
cubbie fan

June 19, 2010
9:36:11 PM

Entry #: 3508262
maybe the sorry birds can take note about winning a championship by watching the mighty Blackhawks and equally mighty Lakers. Its something the birds wont do any time soon.
Just an opinion. hehe


June 19, 2010
10:54:17 PM

Entry #: 3508282
Do you just write to get a reaction from people. Hey anything else you wanna write for attention evidently your one of those people in desperate need of finding it. Keep in mind we won a championship in 06 and thats what our 11th in the last 100 years? Oh yeah that seems right, your cubs are almost a 10 spot out by mid Keep your mouth shut. Also im gonna gather a guess that your one of the many "blackhawk fans" that realized that you liked hockey this post season or last post season. I said my congrats to the blackhawks but its retarded ass fans like yourself that makeit hard to even have a shred of respect for. Again ill say this for the 16,000 time when your stupid ass Cubs finally do something, get to a NLCS, or a W.S. talk all the shit you want but until you then check your score card.
Cardinals 11 titles,
Cubs 1
Blackhawks, 1 win in 50 years.
Dont have your chest popped out too much douche bag.
The best thing that happen to your city was still that fire.


June 21, 2010
9:25:12 AM

Entry #: 3509026
Hey now Kevo....My sox are from that town,even tho the cubs really...i mean really suck ass...the rest of the chi-town teams do it


June 22, 2010
9:46:38 AM

Entry #: 3510166
Hey sorry Pete, I wrote most of that out of anger. I have no problem with White Sox, Bulls or Blackhawk fans. I apologize to those people however to this unnamed annoying "cubbie fan" who seems to type what he types then thinks hes the funniest person in the world or that people actually enjoy his insight is the type of moronic fan that we have all come to know from the baby bear blue. It would seem to me at this stage we have all gotten out of that 12 year old dis on someones team where we just say something to make someone else annoyed. Maybe this is why he doesnt post under his real name because he doesnt want everyone to see how immature he is or that even after he gets done posting it the only way he's not embarrassed by his own words is to remain anonymous to everyone. Either way its nothing short of pathetic and in a way I cant help but feel sorry for this individual. When smart people post about any topic its insightful, they state opinons supported by facts with hopes that whoever reads their writting walks away informed. Thats where we should all be as adults. Not writting garbage. To anyone I offended again im sorry.


June 22, 2010
8:26:15 PM

Entry #: 3510789
I am a die hard chicago fan. Cubs,Bears,Bulls,and Hawks. Not so much the Sox, but i dont hate on them. I always wonder why our rivals fans, Cards/Sox, hate on us so much. I mean the cubbies have not one a championship since 1908, what's to hate? Then I read the post by Cubbie fan. I am all about being proud of your team, by why get these guys going just so they can shove it in our faces that we haven't won anything. Lets face it, we our not very good this, that is putting it nicely, and a real baseball fan would see that their is no sign of improving going on on the northside. But I cant be a flip flop fair weather fan either. I will ride with the cubbies till the end. It is silly comments that get the all over us. Cubs fans be proud, not crazy.


June 22, 2010
11:41:27 PM

Entry #: 3510924
Hey man let me be quick to say that, I dont catagorize all Cub fans as idiots. Just this one who decided to run his mouth twice and the first time didn't get called out on it. You seem like a smart fan and who is going to hate on you for loving your team? Thats what makes sports great. You certainly dont need me reminding you of your teams downfalls because you would find it annoying like I have personally found it to be with this cowardly "CUBBIE FAN." Basically my whole family are Cub fans and I think its great. The Cubs are not only great for baseball they are great for the Cardinals and I say that even knowing that your Cubbies hold the series matchup lead. It brings discussion to the table and as long as its not just stupid garbage talk it can be a ton of fun to discuss. Anyways man no hard feelings towards you or anyother cub fans just defending my Birds.


June 23, 2010
8:15:35 AM

Entry #: 3511043
well said to you both,and out of the 60 or so family members that I have in and around the Chicago land area...I'm the only Sox for great family reunions...I like good baseball,and on occasion have gone to a cards game...I rooted for whatever team they were playing against,but I still



June 26, 2010
9:48:45 AM

Entry #: 3513401
LOL LOL LOL Carlos Zambrono!!!!


June 26, 2010
9:50:34 AM

Entry #: 3513402

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