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Author TOPIC: Pictures

July 14, 2010
8:59:03 AM

Entry #: 3526607
Hey gang. Can you all ask around to see if anyone got a picture or two of all the kids running around with the puppy after the Hayward game? I told the future owners about it and they'd love a picture. Just let me know.


July 14, 2010
10:15:42 AM

Entry #: 3526695
I am almost certain that Juliet's sister Nicole got quite a few, I will ask her and then get em to you if she does have them.

Mikey J

July 14, 2010
11:17:20 AM

Entry #: 3526762
You're selling the kids!


July 14, 2010
1:18:36 PM

Entry #: 3526868
Awesome frank...let me know.

Mikey J...I'll sell you one at a will probably be a Musil kid if you are interested. The rest are for sale on ebay.


July 14, 2010
4:44:10 PM

Entry #: 3527046
Why not a Means kid? He has more to spare than I do!

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