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Author TOPIC: Scheduling screwup

July 14, 2010
7:47:29 PM

Entry #: 3527159
I apologize for tonights scheduling mess. I thought I had checked the schedules well enough but obviously I had not.
Aisin and BW Maintenance I have rescheduled your game for Aug 4, wed, at 6:15 top field. If any time Aug 3,4,5th works better for both of your teams let me know and I'll reschedule it for that time.
For all of you that want to complain about anything regarding this issue, keep in mind I pay to play too, I dont get paid a penny for volunteering to do this, I spent hours working to try and get this schedule right. If you knew how the games were input into the website you would understand how easy it is to get the games miss scheduled as they were.
For any of you that still dont get it and persist to complain further, take solice, I have resigned from any administrative affiliation with Southernillinois softball league and will only complete the summer league obligations I agreed to perform.
If you dont like how things are being run, step up and help John Abney do something, complaining isnt going to fix the problem.

July 15, 2010
12:05:53 AM

Entry #: 3527343

although tonights scheduling wasnt the best of scenarios, remember...shit happens.

everyone involved should understand that this was a mistake, pure and simple. its not like he this was done intentionally.

to everyone affected by tonights games keep in mind that Gary does this because he loves to play softball and wants to contribute to the game. he does this of his own free will and sacrifices his personal time for us all. lets not turn this into anything more than an honest mistake.

i for one appreciate all that Gary has done for SIS softball. it has to be a major pain in the ass to to coordinate mens league........i cant imagine dealing with co-ed.

remember, without volunteers we would have no softball in Marion.

i applaud Gary,John,Dave,Bill,and Dan for their devotion in making softball available for us to play.

there was obviously some serious complaining for Gary to resign his volunteered duties. thats BS. it happened, were adults, lets act like adults. he has done a fine job in coordinating mens league and i hope he continues.

there has been entirely too much complaining on this message board lately. if this crap keeps up we will not have a league to play in much less a website to bitch on.

lets not take this any further and as in the famous words of Susan Powter...."stop the insanity"


July 15, 2010
11:52:44 AM

Entry #: 3527614
I have been playing softball at Pyramid Park since the 80's. Don't play anymore but often go out and watch the guys that i played with in the past or now as i am old there kids. I can understand the difficulty in schedule and mistakes happen. However, what i saw last night from the individual that runs the league was unacceptable. I was in the stands about 5 feet away from the converation between the two teams that had there game suspended and the league offical. The two teams were trying to decide when they could agree on rescheduling the game. Both teams accepted the decison and were handling the matter very professionally. A female fan started to walk away and stated "didn't we pay to play in this league". The league official flipped out and told the lady to "kiss my ass". He then just started shouting and screaming about any and everything. He was called on it by about 2-3 people but that didn't seem to matter to him. Keep in mind there were several people on site and it wasn't appropriate language for the 10-15 kids that were in attendance. Furthermore, the 20ft strip of rubber he layed on the pavement when he left wasn't adult like either. It's setbacks like this that i don't like to see with all of the commitment that others have made over the years to keep this league strong and competitive. Sorry if it songs like i am trying to stir things up, but i just do not think this represents what so many people have helped build. This decision that was made will work out best for all in the long run.


July 15, 2010
12:30:35 PM

Entry #: 3527650
malone, the comment the lady made that made me flip and say things that I wish I had handled differently was that this league is terrrible and she wont ever play here again. I dont agree with cussing, but I will stand up for this league as it has been a great place to play softball. It just needs less criticism and more active support for improvement
As far as laying down rubber, come on, my truck was stuck off the edge of the parking lot and the tires screatched trying get up on the pavement.


July 15, 2010
4:50:20 PM

Entry #: 3527877
I back up Malone. She didn't say what Baer is stating. How could she not play here again if she wasn't playing in the first place. She was a fan not a player. The right thing to do would be to apologize to that lady and the team she was supporting in PERSON FACE TO FACE. I was embarrassed for his actions and i wasn't even a part of the issue.


July 15, 2010
4:54:10 PM

Entry #: 3527879
Oh also, anyone that has ever managed people knows, that if you do not get the active support at the end of the day it is your job to get it done. If you don't get it done then there is always someone there that will be willing to try. I hope people don't sign on just to use this as a springboard for future area positons like park board or something.

July 15, 2010
6:58:55 PM

Entry #: 3527952
That guy made a real ass of himself last night. You do owe them an apolgy.


July 15, 2010
10:41:07 PM

Entry #: 3528071
I will vouch for the tire action, Gary was stuck and and could not get traction. Kind of funny. As far as the rest we were on the lower field.

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