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Author TOPIC: Class B state tournament

July 29, 2010
11:19:47 AM

Entry #: 3538493
Good luck to Sprickmans and Folmars(?) at the B state tournament this weekend in Meadville. They both start at 10:30, Sprickmans vs Millerstown (Chicora League) and Folmars vs Lonce Construction (Fayette League), the B state bracket can be found at the following web address provided by the Chicora modified league.

August 1, 2010
12:13:54 PM

Entry #: 3540567
how did any local teams do at class b state tournament?

August 1, 2010
12:22:44 PM

Entry #: 3540570
can't answer that qustion , but went and checked out some of the fastpich tourney and whomever #13 is for n.y. gremlins, dude is a flat out stud. i think he pitched every inning of every game they played. a real horse if there ever was one

August 1, 2010
4:46:03 PM

Entry #: 3540722
hmmm sounds odd i was there and saw the all star bud crew.. there star player not he was drinking so much i wonder if he even knew he was at a softball tourney, and the other bud star had man tits that would flat out rate in a tittie contest.... Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Len K

August 1, 2010
10:20:57 PM

Entry #: 3540948
#13 was from Australia and the #1 Fastpitch pitcher in the World. Was told his fastball was clocked at 85mph at previous tourny...It was pretty unbelievable watching him pitch!

August 1, 2010
11:19:34 PM

Entry #: 3540980
both bootleggers and sprickman go 1-2 in B states


August 2, 2010
8:45:15 AM

Entry #: 3541082
#13 from Gremlins did not throw every game. I was there and he only threw one on Sunday. although i do agree he is pretty good. #45 for them is pretty good too. Hillhouse looks like he is washed up.


August 2, 2010
8:48:01 AM

Entry #: 3541083
i shouldn't say washed up, but he is not at the level of most of the guys i watched this weekend.

August 2, 2010
9:22:18 AM

Entry #: 3541109
#13 pitched there opening game sat morning also and he threw his ass off

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