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Author TOPIC: Newspaper

August 2, 2010
4:00:17 PM

Entry #: 3541459
I am submitting the playoff schedule to the Times News in hopes that they will put it in the paper.

Its important that the managers of the winning teams of ANY playoff games get the results into the paper before 10:30pm on the night of the game.

Groovy will have forms that you can use to aid you in the process.

All you have to do is call the paper (870-1700) and tell them you are submitting results from the Harborcreek Modified League. Give the the Winning and Losing team and the score of the game.

Then you want to give them any key plays that helped decide the outcome (Joe Shmoe hit a two run home run in the bottom of the sixth to give Team the lead.

If there was no close game or key play, just give them the standout performances. (John Moe led Team with 4 hits, including 3 doubles and 5 RBIs and Mike Doe allowed just three runs to earn the win in the circle).

We have done a poor job of promoting our league in the paper this year........lets all pick it up in the playoffs and get our sponsors names out there.

August 4, 2010
12:40:59 PM

Entry #: 3543094
Hey what a surprise only 2 scores were turned in from yesterdays games. Good job winning managers on keeping up on that one.


August 4, 2010
1:24:13 PM

Entry #: 3543129
the majority havent kept up on it all year long. its no surprise. only a couple have helped get what we have. its very frustrating! then people keep asking what the standings are...i don't understand

August 4, 2010
1:31:35 PM

Entry #: 3543135
maybe your getting washed up mike..


August 4, 2010
3:01:54 PM

Entry #: 3543255
yep thats exactly it. ill tell you what, show up at the first league meeting and ill gladly pass the torch of this site to you. with no second thoughts. and next time leave you name bum!


August 5, 2010
3:30:43 PM

Entry #: 3544145
Erie Daily Times

I am not happy with the coverage our league got for the playoffs. I am sick and tired of the Erie paper not caring about the modified leagues. I am sick of it... Can we please call them and have some type of coverage of these games...Just putting in scores sucks.. Give me a break.. The sponsors pay a lot of money and to have just scores on the bottom of the paper is a joke. Let's put a big article in the paper about a 7 year old catching a 5 inch bass fish in the bay or maybe an article about some race car driver at the lake erie speed way no one even heard about who the F cares about that.. give me a break...


August 5, 2010
11:32:32 PM

Entry #: 3544515
i called them last night after our game, gave them the score, key plays and a game summary including people with multiple hit games, rbi's and extra base hits, and that is all they put in. i agree its a joke! glenwood league gets a full box score just like mlb gets. i don't get it

August 6, 2010
6:36:48 AM

Entry #: 3544578
write a letter to the editor


August 6, 2010
10:04:30 AM

Entry #: 3544688
Must be getting lonely, I guess someone's ego needs to see his name in black and white


August 6, 2010
10:25:19 AM

Entry #: 3544708
it has nothing to do with any ego. it has to do with the fact that our sponsers put out a lot of money for us to play and deserve more than a one line score in the smallest possible print on the page. thats all


August 6, 2010
11:31:45 AM

Entry #: 3544776
It's not about me. I like to see our sponsors get more action in the paper then one line. Grow up and make sense. Benson thank you for getting it I see people out there are not to smart. Like I said grow up and make sense.


August 6, 2010
3:25:57 PM

Entry #: 3544993
it is modified softballs ladies the lowest rung on any ladder , and you grown men playing/drinking the game if you want to see your name in the paper which by the way very few people read any longer then go to some function and donate money etc.. then you can cream your jeans when you open the paper and see your name printed.........oh boy im excited already


August 6, 2010
4:20:32 PM

Entry #: 3545057
Hey Jarzo, you uneducated F&*K! refer to the posts above, nobody is wanting their name in the paper. It is for the SPONSERS!!!

August 6, 2010
4:48:27 PM

Entry #: 3545084
what cracks me up about the whole cleanup thing. is i have several times seen groove running around cleaning up the lot, even fixing fields so there playable . and still the township bitches.. if any body should be bitchin its groove. i say tell the township to f themselves and play elsewhere. then all the lost revenue will be there problem as they do nothing anyway.

August 6, 2010
4:50:14 PM

Entry #: 3545086
mike get some pickups for the playoffs seems that is the best chance you have at winning,cant do it with your "team"

Team Player

August 8, 2010
10:40:34 PM

Entry #: 3546164
i agree groovy bust his ass... Considering the city again they do fields daily hell even may be cheaper and would get recognized by the newspaper better. Oh also more fields with lights and longer time to drink after the games... not get out at 10 right away...


August 9, 2010
9:47:42 AM

Entry #: 3546457
Its not the fields or nothing to do with that its how the league is promo no one in this league does that so dont blame nobody but ourselves as a league


August 9, 2010
3:13:40 PM

Entry #: 3546819
seriously?????! you talk shit on me and my team and you don't leave your name. unreal! your a coward!!!

Big Tony

August 9, 2010
7:44:35 PM

Entry #: 3547098
omg i used a #2 hook to hook you

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