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Author TOPIC: Field Conditions

August 5, 2010
12:32:22 PM

Entry #: 3544012

I was just informed that the township did not drag field 4 for last nights game for the north division due to the amount of garbage that was left on the ground around the stands especially on the first base side. The dugouts were fine but the stands were not and Groove was left to pick up someone else's mess. If you want to be able to drink a few cold ones after your games in the future then it would be a good idea to throw your empties in the garbage or recyclable cans instead of on the ground because the township is considering not allowing alcohol at the fields in the future if this keeps happening.


August 5, 2010
12:53:06 PM

Entry #: 3544026
I agree. Ban the alcohol. What's wrong with people? You are taught since you were a kid to pick up after yourselves.

I think a better enforcement of this might be to hold the managers from the teams accountable somehow.

Just an idea, add a $50 - $100 refundable "deposit" to next years league fee that gets returned to the manager if there are not any complaints. If there are complaints, they don't get their money back.

August 5, 2010
11:29:54 PM

Entry #: 3544511
how can you punish the people doing what they are supposed to do. i agree something needs to be done before we lose our privlages!


August 14, 2010
8:19:16 PM

Entry #: 3551208
Well Fri morning I went to the fields make sure things were good hell only one game.HUH to my surprise there were 12 cans thrown around the lot sure it was a present from M.Adult not like they can blame anyone else,I think people forget that I am there. Beside the fact they led the league with 5 ejections they can also kiss there night games GOOD BYE. Never tossed a team under the bus ,but I've battled them for 2 years about messes,attitudes,drinking during games.Maybe things will change when they play a normal schedule.All you guys seem to care about is yourselves.I was just called to the township about messes a week ago the beer will be stopped if we can't keep shit picked up.By the way the North didn't have 5 ejections combined. thats roughly 96 players 168 games.12 players 25 games.?????????

August 15, 2010
10:16:41 AM

Entry #: 3551460
groove you desrve much better treatment than what some of the teams are giving you.. i say let the township put what ever regulations they want and then just remind the the teams that there actions caused it

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