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Author TOPIC: Team Party

August 25, 2010
7:18:41 AM

Entry #: 3559052
We're combining my bachelor party with the team party and if Ben can come it's his bachelor party too.

The date will be Sunday, September 5. Here are the details from Todd:

The plan is to start at Tagalong golf resort in Birchwood, WI. I have 5 tee times so let me know asap if you are golfing. Kirb really wants to go 18, so if you only want to go 9 that is fine but just let me know (we can have some guys do the front 9 and others do the back). If you don't want to golf you can just chill at the bar, go right to the farm, or do something else. If you are golfing, make sure to be to the course by 9:30 am and make sure you let Todd know you plan to golf.

After golf, we'll head back to the farm for a cook out. We'll have bags, different yard games and wiffleball to play. Plenty of beer and other stuff to drink. You don't need to bring anything unless you have some special drink you would like. (we'll see how many people are coming and what the KK budget it, we might need you to bring some beers or something)

If you can't make it to golf you are always welcome to come to the farm whenever you can make it!

Please RSVP on the forum if you are coming or not, if you know some people don't read the forum please let them know.


August 25, 2010
8:36:46 AM

Entry #: 3559112
Ok, I'll start, I will be attending, and I will be golfing


August 25, 2010
8:40:56 AM

Entry #: 3559114
I'm in.
Count me in for golf.


August 25, 2010
9:38:54 AM

Entry #: 3559165
I will be there. I will let you know about golf real soon. So wait, we are going to be feeding the Knights with our KK money? Along those lines, I was hoping to have the boys with me on the day of the party since they contributed to the fund, but I dont think a bachelor party is something they should attend. After having said all of that, you guys decide what is what and I will live with it.


August 25, 2010
9:48:41 AM

Entry #: 3559177
Todd, friends, and relatives were going to be paying for Bachelor party stuff, so the Knights wouldn't be drinking any KK money. Also, most the Knights I invited can't attend, so at most it would be Trav & Thad if they can make it.

I doubt much worse than what happens at a practice will happen at this bachelor/team party. It will be drinking and swearing, but we're not going to any adult establishments. We're just golfing and then coming to the farm. The topics of discussion or the language at the party can't be fully predicted so use your discretion on whether to bring the boys.

I know it's not ideal to mix these events but we need to do the team party sooner rather than later or it will be a long ways out and hard to get everyone together. I'm sure this will work out just fine.


August 25, 2010
10:30:36 AM

Entry #: 3559217
I guess it is more along the lines of do you want kids at your bachelor party? I like having all of the families at the team things because the women and children can play together. No big deal either way, man. I am not trying to say that you should do your party one way or another, just simply giving a thought. THANK GOODNESS WE HAVE JERE'S PIC NOW. LIFE IS COMPLETE!


August 25, 2010
10:37:05 AM

Entry #: 3559225
I have no problem with kids there, as long as they don't try to take my turn in wiffleball home run derby!


August 25, 2010
10:46:16 AM

Entry #: 3559233
Hahaha. Kirby call me on my cell if you get a chance.


August 25, 2010
12:14:03 PM

Entry #: 3559305
Hey guys,
Let me know as soon as you can if you are attending so I can get steaks.

I'd like to know by the end of the week if possible.


August 25, 2010
4:04:37 PM

Entry #: 3559506
I will be attending and will be golfing


August 25, 2010
8:23:32 PM

Entry #: 3559649
Can't make the 5th. I'll be taking in a Twins game with the family. I also believe Jere has tickets to that game as well.

This sucks. I won't be eating steaks!

Next year let's plan the party in the spring so we can all leave the date open.


August 25, 2010
9:36:07 PM

Entry #: 3559715
Good idea Moose. We'll take that into consideration for next year and you can start it off by being fined a dollar for telling the Kort when to have a party!

"Player" of the Week?

August 25, 2010
9:46:32 PM

Entry #: 3559724
I also will be attending the Twins game on the fifth. However I may take the trip out to the farm after the game to be with the team! Which is all I wanted with my picture on the site. I thank you for the pics up, and quite hilarious, please add the team because that is all I would like to be rememembered by is a team player. I would only like my picture alone on a Mcdonalds cup or a bobblehead.


August 26, 2010
3:39:34 AM

Entry #: 3559794
I do believe I will be there! and I would like to golf.


August 26, 2010
7:22:17 AM

Entry #: 3559830
I will not be there, and I think the coach will not be there either.


August 26, 2010
8:29:40 AM

Entry #: 3559890
Going to in Tomahawk with MJ's family for the weekend, but SHOULD be able to make it back for golf and maybe a little time at the farm.


August 26, 2010
9:37:00 AM

Entry #: 3559970
Counting you can cook it whenever you get there....if it's still around.


August 27, 2010
10:10:25 AM

Entry #: 3560720
I will not be golfing in the morning but plan to be at the farm.

John- After it slows down at the farm (if it slows down) let me know when we can get together to work on the signs. I can pick them up and bring them out or whatever works best.

Mikey J

August 27, 2010
11:43:05 AM

Entry #: 3560762
I will not make it for the shindig. Have fun and hopefully someone else can fall off a cart this time.


August 27, 2010
4:47:52 PM

Entry #: 3560967
I think we should have the team party the next weekend so more of the team could injoy it


August 27, 2010
10:44:05 PM

Entry #: 3561077
Isn't that Harvest Days?


August 27, 2010
10:50:47 PM

Entry #: 3561082
it would be better than a holaday weekend


August 27, 2010
10:53:22 PM

Entry #: 3561083


August 28, 2010
7:24:49 AM

Entry #: 3561122
We will never get everyone there on the same weekend.....we don't have everyone for every game much less a party.
It's on the 5th, take it or leave it.


August 28, 2010
6:33:45 PM

Entry #: 3561305
I cannot make it next weekend on sunday we will be moving into our new place!! Sorry... Let me know if you change it to a different date!!!


August 28, 2010
9:09:06 PM

Entry #: 3561375
so buy my count thats 7 people that wont bethere


August 29, 2010
6:01:06 AM

Entry #: 3561469
Good counting.

You can be in charge next year.


August 29, 2010
8:58:12 AM

Entry #: 3561506
ok i would love to be


August 29, 2010
12:31:09 PM

Entry #: 3561608
Ok so who's all showing up


August 29, 2010
12:42:55 PM

Entry #: 3561614
Okay, here's who I know that is coming at least to the steak feed. Myself, Kirb, Todd, Frank and sons, John, Tyler, Colin, and Brett, I think Todd told me Mike Ashland was coming.....I have not heard from Bartes, Balts, Jordan (you will need to pay your fines to attend) and Hunter.

If anyone can contact those guys and post on there that would be great.


August 29, 2010
10:52:22 PM

Entry #: 3562011
Stop fighting girls. :) Keith is right, we will not be able to get everyone there on any given weekend.

At the same time, it is pretty short notice on a holiday. It is also unfair for people who paid fines to not be able to enjoy the day with the team.
I think in the future we should set a date later in the fall or set it at an earlier date so that people can leave it open. I will eat the steak for the people who can not make it. Seriously though, maybe we can set aside any money not spent and buy some other food for the team meeting in the Spring.


August 30, 2010
6:22:36 AM

Entry #: 3562067
I'm all for setting a date earlier in the year. No big deal.

There will be no money left over after the steaks. We have 11 attending at this point that I know of for sure plus 2 of the means boys. That will exhaust the KK money, so any more will come out of the Kg fund.


August 30, 2010
6:35:56 AM

Entry #: 3562068
I should be out there at least for the farm part for sure no golfing.


August 30, 2010
7:18:26 AM

Entry #: 3562087
Awesome....I think I've heard from everyone except Justin.

Kirb, Jordan let me know he's in for the and farm.


August 30, 2010
7:44:38 AM

Entry #: 3562103
Did Benander respond?


August 30, 2010
7:54:08 AM

Entry #: 3562112
I believe he is out.


August 30, 2010
11:34:35 AM

Entry #: 3562316
Yes I will be there for the day and I was just wonderin if it would be ok if my dad came golfing too.


August 30, 2010
12:08:27 PM

Entry #: 3562357
We gotta check with Todd, he's the one in charge of the bach party side of things, we'll see if we filled our limited tee-times (tagalong only had 4 or 5 back to back tee-times)


August 30, 2010
3:48:05 PM

Entry #: 3562563
Just talked to Todd, he says that's fine.


August 30, 2010
7:27:07 PM

Entry #: 3562700
Judge Noid,

Count me in now. Plans got changed for this weekend and I will now be in Wisconsin. Will be at the farm, but not the golf. Also, are family/spouses/fiancee/girlfriends/significant others/one night stands invited too?


August 30, 2010
7:45:58 PM

Entry #: 3562711
You are counted. Glad you are going to make it.

Talk to Todd about the other question you have.


September 4, 2010
9:47:51 PM

Entry #: 3566355
Jay, and anyone else for that matter, please bring your bean bag sets

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