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Mouse Huntr

September 7, 2010
9:02:32 AM

Entry #: 3567600
So is Tyler alive?

September 7, 2010
10:20:23 AM

Entry #: 3567659
He's probably alive and stronger than ever. Wait, what is that I's a bird, no a plane, no it's Mighty Mouse here to save the day!!!! Sorry MJ, there's a new mouse in town.


September 7, 2010
11:34:03 AM

Entry #: 3567718
Any owl pellets?


September 7, 2010
11:44:03 AM

Entry #: 3567726
I almost threw up this morning after finally remembering that this event occured...

Hungry Guy

September 7, 2010
9:40:53 PM

Entry #: 3568193
Well it is day 2 and I am still alive for now...I think all of the Ron killed all of the diseases...but he may no longer be my friend after talking me into eating Stuart Little.

Mikey J

September 7, 2010
11:33:29 PM

Entry #: 3568238
First of all, who is Tyler. Secondly, Mighty Mouse is too fast and too strong to ever be caught by a pharmacist and finally, when did the Brill Millers sign TJ Housh'mouse'zadeh. I demand a reenactment this weekend who's in? TJ?


September 8, 2010
6:02:57 AM

Entry #: 3568280
I'm willing to bet that TJ probably isn't going to mutter the words "You catch it, kill it, and grill it, and I'll eat it" anytime soon. It was quite the spectacle.

If I didn't know better, I'd almost say he enjoyed it.

That Guy

September 8, 2010
2:03:03 PM

Entry #: 3568636
I hear that a mouse tastes like chicken!

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