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TOPIC: 8th Grade Team |
| Lisa Wheeler
September 19, 2010 10:20:25 PM
Entry #: 3575946
What a shame the 8th grade boys had to lose to Mahopac this evening. It seems that we are back to the same old way of playing...keeping with the clique and giving the other players only mandatory minimal time. It would seem obvious that when you keep the same kids in for the whole game they are going to be tired at the end. There are a whole bunch more kids who work just as hard but don't get the playing time because they don't have the advantage of their dad being a coach or they haven't been deemed a chosen one. When the TEAM was utilized in the previous two games they actually won so I think that speaks for itself. FYI - the home page of AYF quotes "it's for the kids" which I would say refers to ALL the kids!!!!!!!
| Shireen
September 19, 2010 10:31:43 PM
Entry #: 3575957
| I can understand your frustration, but I did see where they played other kids. I think that when it got tense, the coaches tried to go with the guys they thought could pull out the touchdowns and run the plays well. I'm not in their head so I'm not sure what their thoughts were behind it. They're gonna have good days and bad...this just happened to be one of the bad. Any thoughts from anyone?
| Shireen
September 20, 2010 11:45:39 AM
Entry #: 3576271
| I thought about this more this morning, and I don't even think they played bad. They lost by 1 point and were winning until the last minute and a half of the game. They all played hard, and yes, they made a few mistakes, but this was their first loss. And to be honest, the majority of the kids that played most in the game were not coaches' kids.
| coach al
September 20, 2010 4:30:50 PM
Entry #: 3576521
| got2spk
September 22, 2010 2:25:48 PM
Entry #: 3577934
| hey, i think the coaches did a good job. Their trying to help these kids win and they've been doing it. 1 loss and your ready to turn on them.
| Lisa Wheeler
September 24, 2010 10:34:31 AM
Entry #: 3579448
| Of course I realize the team is not going to win every game. I'm not turning on anyone because of a loss. I have great appreciation for all of the coaches I realize they dedicate a great amount of time to our boys and I am grateful for that. I just feel that not all of the players are being utilized. Obviously some players have more skills than others but how are those boys supposed to enhance their skills if they aren't given a fair chance to get in the game. Each child has something to contribute and I feel that is sometimes overlooked.
| Wanda C
September 25, 2010 11:12:09 AM
Entry #: 3580061
| It was a real tough lost last week with quite a few serious injuries. I have been to all of the practices and alot of the boys "fool around" alot some don't seem as serious about playing as others. The coaches definately don't have an easy job! All the boys seem to get along and are working towards being a "team". One of my major concerns is the profantiy that I hear from the boys during practice..right in front of me and other mothers who stay for the practice. This is disrespectful! By no means, am I under the assumption that my son doesnt curse, but definatley not within my earshot or another adult's presence. Let's teach our boys respect for adults and girls/women, while they learn teamwork.
| Missy M
September 26, 2010 10:34:06 PM
Entry #: 3581012
| Wow.... just found this forum. LOL...
I don't want to get into a thing here, but I have to say that it bothers me to here the ol "coaches son" comments. My son has had to prove himself every step of the way and has never been given special treatment. In a lot of ways, it's more difficult because fathers are hard on their sons.
I'm not sure where it was decided that losing a game left things open for criticism.... I mean, someone has to lose, right? Sometimes it's us, sometimes it's them. And Shireen is right, it was one point! LOL... come on... these coaches are doing a great job. The boys like them and they like the boys.
High school football is right around the corner and I think this year is great preparation for the competition they are going to face amongst each other next year.
| Jen G.
September 28, 2010 3:52:08 PM
Entry #: 3582427
| Nicely said Missy, Thank you!!
| Rosy
September 28, 2010 10:13:07 PM
Entry #: 3582670
| I have to agree with Shireen on this one. I personally know three of the four coaches and their boys, none of whom are among the top five players on the field during most of the games. While it would appear to some that these boys are given preferential treatment, reality is that they are held to a higher standard by their fathers. These parents that volunteer their time should be commended for doing so. It is a thankless job and one that is easily the target of criticism. Field time should be given to those players that are dedicated and serious about the game, and I can say that as the parent of a kid that is less serious and only gets fielded for the minimum number of plays. We should be teaching our kids the value of good sportsmanship, win or lose.
| RobinV
October 2, 2010 5:30:52 PM
Entry #: 3584918
| First of all, it was a shame that the our team lost by 1 point to Mahopac. But, win some, lose some. Hopefully, that will be our only loss. In response to the "clique" I don't nor have I ever felt that there was a clique. What is the same old way? I feel that instead of posting negative comments about the coaches, you should speak to the coaches "in person" about your concerns. If you feel that your son is not playing enough, give the coaches an opportunity to explain to you why he plays the length of time that he does. But isn't your son one of the starters?
I will say that having attended meetings with the last organization, there is a lot that goes into the league. The planning and preparation takes place the entire year, not just in April or May when Registration begins. I do know that alot of research and planning went into this league which began last year. If it were not for this league, most of our sons would not have had the opportunity to play football this year. The coaches knew this and began this program in our area to give our boys this opportunity. They could have just said "that's it" and could be home spending the time with their families instead of with our boys. This is my son's 4th year playing football, and I feel that the coaches are very dedicated to the boys and in helping them learn the game. When they get to the high school, some of the boys may make the team, but may not play at all. My son and I have much respect for all of the coaches. The coaches take the time to learn each boy's strengths and weaknesses and they work with them accordingly. I have to say that "none" of the sons of the coaches get any type of preferential treatment. The coaches are much harder on their sons. I know that from having sat at the field during almost every practice pretty much for the past four years. I think that before anyone begins to talk negatively about the coaches, they should take into consideration what takes place on the field during each practice. First, the coaches work with our kids because they "want" to. They love what they do. If you take the time out to speak to them, you will know this. Second, they have to repeatedly ask the same group of boys to stop talking or stop playing around and pay attention on a regular basis. In the meantime, they are still trying to practice and run plays with the boys who are more disciplined in learning and playing the game. Basically, if you are not focused and disciplined during practice, you are not going to be as focused during the game. Then, the language that comes out of the mouths of some of the boys is "horrendous". They are 12 and 13 year olds using profanities as if they are adult and it is part of their everyday language. It doesn't matter if the coach or another adult is there or not. I am not going to say my son does not use the language when he's with his friends, he knows he better not use it around adults. That is not acceptable.
So, if anyone is not happy with the way the team is being run, be fair, speak directly to the coaches. Posting it publicly is not fair to them or the boys.
| Wanda C
October 4, 2010 12:28:09 PM
Entry #: 3585740
| I agree with you Robin. My son is a first time player and we were very happy he was able to play this year,and glad it wasnt based on weight. He was over the Pop Warner weight limit 2 years ago by 20lbs!! He would not be able to go out for a team until high school and would probably not even be considered because he would of had no experience. This team is a great opportunity for all the boys! And I appreciate all the time and planning the coaches put into our boys.