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Author TOPIC: Rumor

November 28, 2010
12:51:07 PM

Entry #: 3623298 we go. Jeff Gayman of Kelsey’s is playing somewhere next spring. But , where? Grocer is full of surprises (the Chilton affair for did they pull that off....) so, ....really this is hard to predict. Lets start by announcing where he will NOT be playing next summer: MAS, Griffith, DBS. Not a chance at those three. TL? Well, they seem to have a good SS, who can, I say no. I say Remax, Crupi, DST, Arms, Wing It, School, Nvision and Flakeboard are probably out too. No way for Tar, Harding or Bistro. Perfect fit with his buddies on CP. The twins have taken their talents to another team...CP is choice one. The CP boys want to try and repeat their playoff appearance without making radical prove last year wasn’t the fluke that we all know it was. You read it here first.


November 29, 2010
11:35:53 PM

Entry #: 3624168
Is this accurate?


November 30, 2010
1:43:43 PM

Entry #: 3624375
totally accurate, i also heard that Billy Toleck is looking to move from School to play with Crupi...


November 30, 2010
8:16:25 PM

Entry #: 3624613
We have 2 players who are friends with the Bowen boys from NCAA D1 coming to play for the Arms. Look the F$%* OUT!!!


November 30, 2010
9:58:31 PM

Entry #: 3624677
the arms will get those players like the Leafs will win the cup this year................NOT GOING TO HAPPEN BABY

Harry Package

December 1, 2010
8:19:19 AM

Entry #: 3624792
J.G. would be the most highly sought free agent in USPL history and would command big dough on the open market. TL would absolutely love to have this guy and he's a perfect fit with the boys on our squad. With the deep pockets of Thirsty Al III hanging around the Luxury Suites, ya' just never know...


December 1, 2010
11:56:15 AM

Entry #: 3624892
Hey Harry

Just got off the phone with Toddy & Leo
they think that they can make the
still not sure if they can go YARD or not


December 1, 2010
1:15:31 PM

Entry #: 3624931
I have been told by a little birdie that Kent and Scott are joining Bistro to enhance their chances of capturing the cony next year.


December 2, 2010
12:18:29 AM

Entry #: 3625217
Please note, any team that picks up JG must also pick up his enormous tab from Kelsey's for the 5000 litres of iced tea he has downed at our many team gatherings! This could be a deal killer. As with Hatzis' tab, we are still awaiting payment! :)
Thanks to all for their support @ the Hwy 7 location this year!


December 2, 2010
7:43:26 PM

Entry #: 3625545
sadle for Kent the Bistro will only be picking up Scott next year...they feel that will give them a better chance


December 3, 2010
6:28:05 PM

Entry #: 3625947
That's friggin amazing. Im gonna try the knit-a-the man JG new new CP jersey.

Go team


December 4, 2010
10:58:21 AM

Entry #: 3626136
Forget to mention that Remax won the free team dinner @ Kelsey's this year. Thank you.
They opted for that instead of the beer GC's. Thanks to Hatzis in particular for all his support throughout the year! In case you did not know I was joking about the tabs.
Also wanted to mention that Peter Puck is appearing @ Kelsey's Markham Rd tonite from 7-8:30 for pictures with the kids.
Come on down, and no, you are not required to watch the Leaf game in order to get your picture taken.


December 6, 2010
7:58:08 AM

Entry #: 3626761
Be contagious.... Arms will win again.......NOT!


December 7, 2010
10:02:39 PM

Entry #: 3627690
Regardless of who they are, why are you guys bothered by random nonsense? I mean they are obviously just trying to get everyone going and 99% sure that they do not play in the league.

Hey tuck00: shut the hell up!!

Ok, feel better now? I succeeded in making his post feel validated and backed you guys up.


December 9, 2010
8:13:44 AM

Entry #: 3628248
Kenny is going to the Arms........ They need a water boy

Mr. October

December 9, 2010
2:49:50 PM

Entry #: 3628411
I heard Crupi and DST are looking to swap Ferguson for Champ, straight up.


December 9, 2010
5:03:15 PM

Entry #: 3628480
Crupi will not win on that trade


December 13, 2010
7:33:04 AM

Entry #: 3629746
Ferguson is the best player in the USPL.


December 15, 2010
10:30:55 PM

Entry #: 3631112
Why y'all chatting about rumors. This is some funny junk. Y'all are foolz people. Thank y'all for that laugh. Wow.


December 18, 2010
11:28:55 AM

Entry #: 3632055
Kent is going nowhere. You don't let a living legend walk away from that which he created. He is the general manager, best short stop and spiritual leader of our team. Besides, if he isn't there, who do we get to laugh at for breaking tables, throwing bats, speaking complete gibberish, and consuming bottle after bottle after the games?


January 17, 2011
6:35:47 PM

Entry #: 3641241
I sometimes secretly wish that Gimme, Cookie, Carp, Mr. October, Bowen and Harry package could be my real life friends...god do they ever make me laugh! Why are they quite now?


January 18, 2011
9:17:46 PM

Entry #: 3641865
They say it means you've have a limited vocabulary when you swear which is false n my case because i've won 2 spelling B's. We will not have a f#%}ing repeat winner this year. That is a fact no bull*^%+.


January 20, 2011
1:30:48 PM

Entry #: 3642740
I heard that the fat guy playing second for a certain team went out and dieted this off season, also working out. Who knows? I could be full of crap, most of the time I am. Heh heh heh.


January 24, 2011
7:58:43 PM

Entry #: 3644449
That's low, even for a scumbag like u! True, but low. I almost pulled a Cutler and gave up driving on the dvp, but I kept pushing.


January 30, 2011
2:59:30 PM

Entry #: 3646928
I love reading MBA89, he always is 100% accurate with everything he writes. He is one of the few players who actually understands what theyre putting out there.


February 1, 2011
8:29:58 PM

Entry #: 3648038
Character isn't something you were born with. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for.


February 4, 2011
6:54:35 PM

Entry #: 3649427
A rumor without a leg to stand on will get around some other way.Griffith will be adding a major bat tom the lineup this year.


February 18, 2011
5:48:46 PM

Entry #: 3657156
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement and bad pitches on a nice Sunday in September .


February 23, 2011
9:01:07 PM

Entry #: 3660607
Hey pee pee jay... Don't Believe Your Hype!

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