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Author TOPIC: Rams vs. Valley

January 22, 2011
2:45:25 PM

Entry #: 3643631
When I look at a game that The Rams like they did against Valley you sit back and think "In A Few Years If They Play A Team Like That They Will beta them by 15" what sucks about this season is that every player is new or haven't played together or don't have the offense down yet...there is alot of negatives not in the Rams' favor against Valley there were times where if The Rams would'be stuck an arm or hand out in a passing lane they could've easily gotten a deflection or steal that's one of those things where with time and practice it will come together...there were times in the game where The Rams looked great like the 2-3 passes that lead to Eubank's easy layup from the high post underneath..I think Wroblewski as a Freshman brings a calmness to the offense when he has his hands on the ball i'm just wishing he would do things that as A Senior he will probably do but right now he just doesn't do because of the lack of Varsity Experience...I just wish that The Rams would use more dribble drive and drive and kick to their offense than the swing offense they use....because the swing offense brings back memories of Hinton's 4 corners offense that I about exploded on...if you are a team like The Rams and you are as young and inexperienced as they are and you know you are 1-9 but you could easily be 5-5 or better and you are practically in every game it makes the future look even brighter this team could easily be 1-9 and every loss be by 20 points or more other teams will have their fun this season but in a few years The Rams will be back having fun again...


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