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Author TOPIC: Sunday Games Are Cancelled Again !!

February 26, 2011
10:23:40 PM

Entry #: 3662930
Field Damage is the same as last week.

Sloppy, wet and puddles !

We will have a reschedule for the men next week and the womens will be put on March 20th.

Check front page for schedule tomorrow !


February 27, 2011
8:44:03 AM

Entry #: 3663016
lame. the grass at my house is fine and i live about 2 blocks away. and last season we played a game in the rain


February 27, 2011
11:02:55 AM

Entry #: 3663071
I say we play anyways i mean everyone still wants to play

February 27, 2011
11:09:38 AM

Entry #: 3663073
I didn't see water puddles on the fields..

The day is beautiful to play..
Maybe the refs thought it would be too cold to stand there..


February 28, 2011
8:34:44 AM

Entry #: 3663656
it was a nice day!

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