| BallStateTucker
April 14, 2011 1:25:22 PM
Entry #: 3702081
| Due to rain heavily forecast for Thursday overnight and most of the day on Friday.... we will not do the night of the 15th.
We have 4 men teams committed now, more are hedging... So, we will do a one day round robin, then then seed then play for the top.
Meet at 10 am... figure out what we have to do for a one day tourney. Fee based for Umps pay so lets do a spring... tourney with the Chicago Back Yard rules... All teams welcome. Call 574-607-5717 to come out so we know how to schedule Or. see me at the field tonight, John and I will be there late games bottom fields for McAlister's.
Hold Off on the softball equip. donations for the Israeli leagues.. we will do that with the Leagues first two weeks of Summer Season where all can join in the fun.
cheers on a Thursday, Dave The Old Ball State Tucker... Steven is the Scorekeeper you will all get to know this year.
| BallStateTucker
April 15, 2011 1:00:56 PM
Entry #: 3702898
| After consulting with the wise John and famed Mr. Reid... it was noted that we should play Ball when it's not so wet... we want to kick the "Good Life" league off with a spark this year with a tourney but not like this where a slip here or there and someone will be out for a while.. us old guys have to watch it.
So, look for a post soon announcing the The Good Life Tourney which is what the Church league will be called this year... looking for 8 to 12 men's teams for the season and for the tourney... Pass the word... total church affiliation or org NOT needed this year!
thanks, Dave Tucker I will call the MGRs of the teams who did sign up.