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Author TOPIC: Practice

April 26, 2011
11:12:52 AM

Entry #: 3711262
When/where are we having practice htis week? looks like the weather will not be good enough for outdoor practice, can we get in the gym wednesday night?


April 26, 2011
12:12:38 PM

Entry #: 3711316
Wednesday is a no go. There is basketball that night.

Thursday at 6 will work for anyone who can make it.
I'll talk to the Head Boys Varsity Baseball Coach and see if he would be generous enough to let us use the L screen this week.


April 26, 2011
1:48:42 PM

Entry #: 3711438
What, you didn't like the collapsible square screen from last week?


April 26, 2011
3:28:52 PM

Entry #: 3711552
Pitchers are such babies, wanting L-screens, come on...


April 27, 2011
11:45:12 AM

Entry #: 3712195
I'm in for Thursday in the gym.


April 27, 2011
9:51:38 PM

Entry #: 3712738
I will be working, so I can't come. Unless you guys plan on staying until Todd:Kirby O'clock, in which case...I'll see you all at the Bluegill!!


April 28, 2011
11:29:46 AM

Entry #: 3713123
The equipment is in the shed. Unless I see differently in this post, I'll plan on picking it up on my way to practice.

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