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Author TOPIC: Last night?
roties et salees

May 31, 2011
3:51:53 PM

Entry #: 3736829
The game isn't decided by the umpires. It's decided by the players on the field. Those are the rules. If you can't deal with that, play another game. Don't expect the game to change because YOU can't be successful.
Were the Arms drinking on the bench last night?

Whiny crybaby...sour grapes...sore loser. Grow up!


May 31, 2011
5:38:09 PM

Entry #: 3736925
I'll wait right here for the Arms until next game when the circus once again comes to town.


June 1, 2011
12:29:33 PM

Entry #: 3737450
A preview of the connie championship. Bistro and the Arms will get it on.


June 3, 2011
2:22:25 PM

Entry #: 3738994
I love anonymous could certainly narrow it down to which team they play 4.... mainly teams that are challanged to win games


June 3, 2011
2:22:26 PM

Entry #: 3738995
I love anonymous could certainly narrow it down to which team they play 4.... mainly teams that are challanged to win games


June 5, 2011
10:33:01 AM

Entry #: 3739701
I tried water polo once but my horse drowned.


June 6, 2011
11:16:10 AM

Entry #: 3740283
never mind last week’s results....what everyone should be thinking about is...well, here’s a hint: CHUGGACHUGGACHUGGACHUGGACHUGGAchhOoooOooooooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo………………the arms train is leaving the station…………….


June 11, 2011
2:17:07 PM

Entry #: 3744057
Hey uarms.........Learning to deal with loses is a skill all teams need to learn for a successful year. Stay strong and be wise! The wins will come.

roties et salees

June 13, 2011
1:10:11 PM

Entry #: 3745011
Tonight………………..the new and improved………………..5 wins in a row……………Ed/vision will challenge……………the struggling Grocer with 4 straight loses……………….something has to give

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