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Author TOPIC: Full Squad?
jamie b

June 1, 2011
2:14:50 PM

Entry #: 3737536
Has anyone on the Plumbers told Stevie Mac that he's been cut? I couldn't help but notice the line "Plumbers win over Grocer with FULL SQUAD" even though they didn't have one.


June 1, 2011
2:43:54 PM

Entry #: 3737556
Dear Jamie,

My apologies for the error. We should correct it to say "Plumbers worst 14 beat Grocer's best 12". You should start focusing more on your team than the rest.



P.S. Steve's absence gave you guys more time to bat.

jamie b

June 1, 2011
2:53:54 PM

Entry #: 3737570
James, I was simply calling you on a point you apparently were trying to make. If you want to be jerk about it, don't be so defensive when I call you on it. Congrats on beating us....and for continuing to reinforce your team's already stellar reputation.


June 1, 2011
3:05:50 PM

Entry #: 3737581

You talk more garbage on this site than anyone else. Though, you are entertaining.

Please keep it up. You're personally boosting the sites fan count.

And you should be more weary of your teams actions before you speak about our reputation. We didn't bother retailiating against some comments made towards Brett last night steming from an incident last year. Really, because the jacka$$ on your team didn't realize he was speaking to the wrong brother. Again, entertaining and a true representation of your team.

We look forward to playing your team again. Oops, sorry, I mean your top players.



P.S. You should have someone else represent your team on the forum.

jamie b

June 1, 2011
3:49:48 PM

Entry #: 3737613
By 'garbage' do you mean 'truth'? Please find one thing I've said on this forum that wasn't true. How did you manage to turn something YOU said that wasn't accurate into me talking garbage? Honestly, I just didn't think what you were implying was fair...not to mention true. I didn't realize you were so sensitive. Go watch Beaches and share your feelings with whoever is willing to listen.
p.s. did you ever know you were my hero?

Harry Package

June 1, 2011
4:20:41 PM

Entry #: 3737633
If we lived in 8 Mile and this were an official Battle, I'd have to say that my vote would be still "up in the air".... you two need to have a beer !

jamie b

June 1, 2011
7:33:39 PM

Entry #: 3737750
Ya name is James Mealz,
I'll run ya over wit my wheels,
That ain't just a snub,
Boy I'm rollin' on dubs
Go light another cig,
Before I split ya in da wig

Sorry, Harry. Best I got on short notice. What can you expect from a white guy from Unionville?!

Mealin, check the first post. I was just saying you didn't have a full squad either. Relax. Don't know about you but VG doesn't feel it's necessary to shorten our bench to win the 3rd game of the season. Chill out.

I'll have a beer with long as Harry's buying.


June 2, 2011
7:31:48 AM

Entry #: 3737953
Friends must make a mutual understanding and when people see differences, there is always conflict. So we just need to look at others with an open mind. Then, life in the USPL would be more peaceful.


June 3, 2011
6:57:04 AM

Entry #: 3738707

You guys make me laugh.

 The arms chirp because they need to be the center of attention. The spotlight must be on them. 

So when VG and CP play we have issues. The CP team talks smack about anything and everything on the field. 

Let's  worry about the crappy, mismanaged, toothless teams that have only one win amongst the three of them. Yes one win between Crupi, Remax and MAS.

   Not much changes in this league.

Mr. October

June 3, 2011
8:56:48 AM

Entry #: 3738761
Mismanaged, toothless teams...give your head a shake jackass! What I would give to know who some of you idiots are that post on would definately be worth a talk in the parking lot...hope to see you around.


June 3, 2011
10:10:52 AM

Entry #: 3738822
Seriously, I wish we could ban guys like Mantra11 from the Forum. Either you are completely ignorant about what you are saying or just a moron. The three teams that you disparage in a cowardly way happen to have some of the pillars of this league and most respected guys playing on their squads. Taylor, Ferguson, Kokonis, Houghton, Lacroix etc. etc. etc.
Find something useful or constructive to say. I know most of this forum is just banter...but when you hide behind an alias and take shots at guys that most of us in this league respect, it's not funny but instead idiotic.

Pete Aikins
Wing It


June 3, 2011
11:07:38 AM

Entry #: 3738865
Come on guys,

Those "jackasses" that post are just waiting for you "dumbasses" to respond! Thanks to all. Makes for an enjoyable day when it happens.



June 3, 2011
2:34:58 PM

Entry #: 3739008
Lewdawg, don't make me whoop you upside the me at the Festival beer tent tomorrow and I will show you who da boss is...

Pete Aikins

P.S. I will have Mike Joyce with me to kick your butt


June 3, 2011
3:12:17 PM

Entry #: 3739033
2pm I will be there. Normie, Scoots and Kokonis, bring your team lists and some polident. Lets get you guys sorted out.


June 5, 2011
8:52:41 AM

Entry #: 3739675

The events referred to above do not invlove real people, the names are just made up to illustrate the point.

I would never say that someone sucked or that I am awesome. Never.


June 8, 2011
10:23:27 PM

Entry #: 3742638
Once you understand that your success doesn't depend upon the failure of others you'll become less of an losing team.


June 10, 2011
9:15:02 PM

Entry #: 3743920
Don Cherry, the poet: "When a rusher tries to be a crusher he becomes an usher." Some teams should remember this quote.


June 13, 2011
5:22:31 AM

Entry #: 3744724
To all you uspl junkies , wanna welcome myself to your board and I must say its really great to be here . For reason I cant devulge I am unable to grace you with my talents so far this yr, but have a take on the new season .TL and the other top teams have started strong and with there bats selection. you can see why )))))  Heard some teams offered a hefty recruitment package including open bar to younger lads thinking this will put them over the top, LMAO. I guess its there only way to field :) :) a good team. I see the old champs are laboring out there , someone needs to put them out of their misery before they really hurts themselves. Summit seem to have some beasts on the new team though WOW . Padded stats ?? LOL


June 14, 2011
8:01:10 PM

Entry #: 3746270
You know you're doing something right when people you don't even know hate you. Only 1 loss this year.


July 5, 2011
7:21:09 AM

Entry #: 3757564
What is going on with the Plumbers? Four games without a win, a complete disaster. They have gone down the drain to inferior opponents. Flush this season goodbye.


July 13, 2011
2:28:22 PM

Entry #: 3762261
What is up with your argue about every little thing………… guys should play the game and stop acting like little princess…………………. Speaking from experience, it’s only a game, don’t get your panties bunched up over it....get a sense of humor...


August 17, 2011
8:30:15 AM

Entry #: 3783053
I personally think that the haters should make a big thread about certain teams and call it "Fake team with Fake stats" and you can all bitch about it in there. Heck, i will even add a few posts myself about other teams yelling "boom" when they throw a runner out...

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