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Author TOPIC: News

August 22, 2011
6:42:06 AM

Entry #: 3785955
Potential news breaking today or tomorrow concening the Rams. Commonsense will hate the news based on some of his earlier post. Although he has never criticized anyone himself.

Ram fan

August 22, 2011
8:03:38 AM

Entry #: 3785983
I hope it's not bad, realistic...


August 22, 2011
8:14:19 AM

Entry #: 3785987
100% small town rumor. But if it's true, in my opinion it's not bad news at all. BTW, how good did we look Friday night? The team speed suprised me and I already knew we were fast.

Ram fan

August 22, 2011
8:30:22 AM

Entry #: 3785995
Obviously, we should be pleased with the offense, since we scored on every possesion... but I was especially pleased with the defense. Salem could not go anywhere, and got half their yardage on one passing play against our JV. I thought Brett Balsmeyer looked good in the second half as well as the other backups. From what I hear from one of the players, the Salem kids were really behind us in conditioning, and ran out of a lot of gas early on. The score could have been much worse.

There was a lot of balance on the offensive side, and a lot of kids were involved, and needless to say, our punt returns were successful.

Again, I think we can feel a little better on our defensive side, but it will be interesting to see how we might handle a passing team... Salem only passed a few times.

Crawford should not present a problem in that department, and I hear that Mitchell is going to run a lot as well, so it may be SV before our secondary is tested... I could be wrong though.

Ram fan

August 22, 2011
9:26:56 AM

Entry #: 3786027
Realistic ... I think I know what it is, and you are right... it will be decided today or tomorrow at the latest. Your clue about an earlier post tipped me off.


August 22, 2011
9:33:27 AM

Entry #: 3786031
Thought it might tip some off. Still, just a rumor but i'm pretty sure it has legs.


August 22, 2011
5:39:53 PM

Entry #: 3786377
realistic I know what your talking about and I think it is great news, not sure why you would think that I would feel any other way, we have a team that has great depth at the skills postions and that young man will only help in that department.In my opion he is a very talented kid with the potentail to be great, My earlier post was in regards to his quiting, which I did not like, And the way you all used his situation to try to put down our coaching staff and their decisions. Hopefully the whole deal has taught him a great life lesson and I can't wait to see how good he can get.


August 22, 2011
8:15:11 PM

Entry #: 3786454
Just like you all going on your rant about how last years wonder boy should have been Q as a freshman or this year sure he was fast, what happened when things did not go his way. HE QUIT. guess Brain had that one figured out too hummmm. I see a pattern here....your quote
now, you show me where i said anything negative about a player.


August 22, 2011
8:20:37 PM

Entry #: 3786456
I don't recall ever saying he shoud have been the qb last year or even this year. I just didn't and still don't undersand why you would take a kid with his running ability and put him at receiver. I think he would be a great slot back in our system next year. and maybe he will be.


August 22, 2011
8:30:07 PM

Entry #: 3786460
That quote was from I conversation in which I was making the point how dumb you sound when you all try to coach our coaches. You have taken it out of context, but I guess I should expect that from you. Also he was not a player at that time he had quit. Seems like you love to fight about retarded stuff. Fact is once again you are wrong.


August 22, 2011
8:48:07 PM

Entry #: 3786474
I belive he could be a good slot or even a Q but thats not my job or yours!!!!! Let the coaches coach the players play and you just sit up there and cheer now theres a good idea.


August 22, 2011
8:48:50 PM

Entry #: 3786475
You mean The rumors about The Rams bringing in Urban Meyer as Their Offensive Coordinator were false?

Anyway Salem did look bad you can tell at least by the 2nd Quarter they were playin half speed and you could tell fatigue was getting too them...

and if the actual rumors are true you can add more speed to the depth chart....



August 23, 2011
6:33:27 AM

Entry #: 3786652
So if a message board is not for fans to discuss the team, then what exactly is it for? Do you honestly think the PAOLI RAMS football coaches are the only ones to ever be questioned by their fans? You just need to realize that everyone has thier own opinion and they are going to be discussed on a message board. If you don't like it, you can always quit stopping by. Thats what they were made for.And Shizz, the rumor is not a rumor. It has been a fact since Saturday.


August 23, 2011
8:46:10 AM

Entry #: 3786711
Since we can all make our comments here, just a note to you. Don't get so wrapped up in any one sport. I could tell your blood pressure was up when you made that last post. It's only a game, a sport, and NOT your life. Relax man. Shizz, I'm glad that Realistic knows everything that is going on.


August 23, 2011
8:46:11 AM

Entry #: 3786712
Since we can all make our comments here, just a note to you. Don't get so wrapped up in any one sport. I could tell your blood pressure was up when you made that last post. It's only a game, a sport, and NOT your life. Relax man. Shizz, I'm glad that Realistic knows everything that is going on.


August 23, 2011
8:46:18 AM

Entry #: 3786713
Since we can all make our comments here, just a note to you. Don't get so wrapped up in any one sport. I could tell your blood pressure was up when you made that last post. It's only a game, a sport, and NOT your life. Relax man. Shizz, I'm glad that Realistic knows everything that is going on.

Chuck N

August 23, 2011
9:27:40 AM

Entry #: 3786755
even if he is coming back on the team he has a lot of catching up to do. i mean he has been out all off season and that's when you get better so i am not so sure about the depth chart comment there shiz


August 23, 2011
9:33:27 AM

Entry #: 3786767
Not upset Dutch, just don't care for someone telling me not to question or criticize the coaches when he does it to a 16 year old kid. All is well and the Rams are going to have a great year. And as far as the depth comment, i agree, think it will be next year before he contributes much. Common is alright, he loves the program. We just happen to disagree on a few things. That happenes somewhere everyday.


August 23, 2011
12:38:46 PM

Entry #: 3786920
I'd leave the coaching and the criticizing up to the coaches. They know more of what is going on than any of us on here. It's good that your blood pressure is down.


August 23, 2011
1:59:20 PM

Entry #: 3786968
Dutch you criticize our offense more than anybody. Where did that comment come from. I assume you were joking, or at least I hope.


August 23, 2011
2:06:26 PM

Entry #: 3786980
Show me where I can criticized our team's offense and specifically any player. You have mentioned more than one team player on this forum. I'll continue to provide my remaarks, but never will I criticize a single player on our team. Get your facts straight.


August 23, 2011
2:09:24 PM

Entry #: 3786983
show me where i said you critized a player?????And i can provide many examples where you critized our offense. Thats ok, i have done it also. But you got no right to call me out on it.


August 23, 2011
2:10:49 PM

Entry #: 3786986
also, you show me where i mentioned a team players name. you get your facts straight.


August 23, 2011
2:12:07 PM

Entry #: 3786987

August 14, 2011
9:52:06 PM

Entry #: 3781411
You are the man when it comes to football history. I can only hope that we are more offensive minded than we were last season. I didnt get to the scrimmage but you can't repeat your past mistakes like what we did last season with our offense. Coach B needs to take a good look at his offense and start making some changes. signed DUTCH


August 23, 2011
2:13:25 PM

Entry #: 3786989

August 17, 2011
4:57:01 PM

Entry #: 3783567

Those four wins you referred to were two years ago. I'd be willing to bet that if you played some of those teams today, we would come away with a big L. Good coaches and good teams do not run the same plays over and over. You adjust your offense and defense according to the talent you have. Check Sagarin Ratings after the season has started and see just where ur team ranks.

signed DUTCH


August 23, 2011
2:15:30 PM

Entry #: 3786994

August 18, 2011
1:54:31 PM

Entry #: 3784160

Coach B better have the Rams ready for Salem. This won't be the game as usual. Mo hasn't coached State Championship teams by not being prepared. I just hope the Rams don't run their same old offense. I won't make any predictions, but we'd better be ready.

signed ewant more


August 23, 2011
4:10:07 PM

Entry #: 3787098

That's really a stretch there. Give me some more if you have em. I'm not looking for a _______contest with you, but many of your fellow fans had the same concerns about this years team. If that's all you can come up with, bring it on. Maybe I can remind you of some of the negative posts you have made. I stand on my record.


August 23, 2011
4:53:01 PM

Entry #: 3787137
I said I did. You said you didnt. You started the contest.

Chuck N

August 23, 2011
6:56:25 PM

Entry #: 3787222
Why don't you both just quit being ignorant and let coach B do his job. He has done a good job so far and I am betting no I know that he knows way more about football than either of you.


August 23, 2011
8:37:35 PM

Entry #: 3787258

Don't worry, I'll never try to be the coach. After all, we have one and I'll let him do his job. If everyone else promises to keep their comments about any aspect of this program and the way this team is coached, this will be a much more positive place. I find it amazing how some people get so wrapped up in trying to coach a team that they loose all reality.


August 24, 2011
6:55:23 PM

Entry #: 3787999
Can't we all just get along guys? Actually I have nothin too add to keep this debate goin thought adding a post might spark a little more interest in it...It Is Nice Too know We Have Walker Texas Ranger to police everything on this board now...



August 24, 2011
7:03:40 PM

Entry #: 3788008
Thanks for the name calling. I'm glad it finally got to this. I'm disappointed.

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