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Author TOPIC: Best Hitters
Hard Express

August 28, 2011
1:45:39 PM

Entry #: 3789803
I'm going to prepare my list for the best hitters in the USPL (honestly, I don't know anything about some teams).

I'm only going to rank the hitters that I've actually seen personally. Although stats are a big part of the analysis, actual ability (seen through my "Advanced" eyes) will play a huge role.

If any of my USPL colleagues out there want to voice their opinions, I'm all ears....but likely won't listen.

PS. Hatzizie will not be on the list

Guy Smiley

August 28, 2011
11:28:28 PM

Entry #: 3790061
Joyce wings
Gill nvision
Stringer school
Nigro arms
George bistro
Gary dbs
Stevie plumers
Kocias remax
Frazer dst
Kym griffith
Ricky harding
BJ kelsey
Carlos mas
Convery summit
Dougie crupi
Winn tar
Clausner grocer
Ish TL


August 29, 2011
7:47:06 AM

Entry #: 3790119
Let me help all of you with there thoughts on "the best" should be more like besides Paul Berry who is the best?...The best pitcher in league is Paul, the best hitter in the league is Paul, the best infielder in league is Paul, the best catcher in the league is Paul.
 If we put him in the outfield, he'd be the best at that...Hell, if he was driving the ice cream truck at milliken he be the best at that too...and i'll pump his tires all day, cause i got nothing better to do...There is only 1 player at Paul level, then there is everyone else

HR Leader

August 30, 2011
1:18:45 PM

Entry #: 3791112
Mr. Smiley. I appreciate your kind words and participation in today's forum. I, unlike your slobbering teammates, manage to eat a balanced diet of proteins and carbohydrates. My 12% body fat and trim "T-like" physique are things that I take very personally.

I'm most frustrated by your relative lack of understanding for the benefits of hitting. Your list is missing many good hitters. Which team do you play for?


August 31, 2011
4:30:22 PM

Entry #: 3791950
Tar Steaner Jr.
VG Turner
TL Big Rick
Arms Paulie
Bistro Kenny
DBS Chris the SS
Wings Lewis
Invision Hicks
School Billy
Harding Ricky
Kelsey’s Berry
CP James
Remax Houghton
DST Tongga
Griffith Tony
MAS Garr
Summit Scott
Crupi Kent


September 1, 2011
5:07:44 PM

Entry #: 3792693
the best hitters are on the bad wrong thread.........was this hitters of pitchers?

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