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Author TOPIC: Playoffs

October 3, 2011
9:23:57 AM

Entry #: 3810610
How did someone know who was supposed to play who in the playoffs? The final standings aren't even complete....there are missing games...


October 3, 2011
12:34:00 PM

Entry #: 3810764
better question is where did all these "new" players come from? thought you had to have 7 games under your belt to be eligible? since the stats are kept arbitrarily who knows...this league is and continues to be a will not be getting my hard earned money next year...

reggie, did it really matter who you played? come on man be a realist...i have one word for you SOFTBALL


October 3, 2011
8:11:53 PM

Entry #: 3811071
Why are you such a dick, Jobutt? Nevermind...I don't know who you are, nor do I care. All you did this year was complain about the fields, the umpires and everything else. Hopefully you keep to your word and not play next year...guessing your not that good anyway. Once we get the draft back in tact next year you will see a lot more competitave league, instead of loaded up teams. Hopefully we can put money back to the league instead of lining someones pocket.


October 3, 2011
8:13:17 PM

Entry #: 3811072
Oh...and yes..I heard you have SOFTBALLS...


October 4, 2011
1:17:38 AM

Entry #: 3811221
Be careful what you wish for, RINE9....You may NOT be drafted, and therefore..... I guess you get the idea! HEY! Then you can start your own League! What a "novel" idea! Then YOU can "pocket the MONEY"!


October 4, 2011
10:50:27 AM

Entry #: 3811375
I don't know who you are either PappaBear, and also don't really care. I don't want to pocket any money you idiot. All the money leftover will go back to the one pockets any just can't get that through your head and I don't see why. I don't need to worry about being drafted, but I bet you do...whoever you are. I don't see why anyone should be making money off our league....except our league. It's common sense...maybe that's why you don't understand.


October 4, 2011
5:38:51 PM

Entry #: 3811698
so you really think the stacked teams are going to dismantle and all players are going to go into a draft to make new teams??...check all those cigarettes you smoke between innings as there may be some wacky weed in them..of course you know my balls are soft...they sit on your chin quite often.

fields suck...umpires were ok.. league wide talent was better (except in the rays case)maybe you can win some games in the blitz when the real talent takes the winter off.. like playing a JV game instead of Varsity..which i am quite sure you are aware of...


October 5, 2011
8:09:40 AM

Entry #: 3811969
I think the Reds, Mariners, and Braves differ with you..League talent was not better...5 out of 9 teams were good, how does that make it better. When the draft comes back, the teams will be able to protect so many players and the rest will go back in the draft. The stacked teams will have no choice.

Wow has league league dragged on and on and on. Lucky we didn't have the al star game that was promised and paid for. Hope they use that money for cold drinks and real food at the so called year end party. Wait is that party also gonna be blown over like the all star game

"So the big question is what was actually gained by cutting Ron out? Fields were the same. Same crappy umps. One team playing every game on one field and throwing people off When things don't go their way. Or better yet calling a game sooner when they are ahead and it sprinkles a little.

Can't way to hear what is instore for next season. If you don't want to be a joke of a league don't act like one. Modify times and ties. Move to wood bats and play games at night. This way you can finish the season before Halloween. Move the feilds around to entice more players. Seems no one wants to drive out of the friendly confines of coral springs. Ft lauderdale, boca, delray and deerfield have great fields To to have some parody why not let the 2 worse teams in the league take 1 player from each team. Then draft from there."

This was your post earlier, you have such a selective memory...LMAO

"what was the true benifit of having this rancidly run leauge and the hording of the money...lets ponu up some real talent and creat a legue that are not considered door mats at tournaments"

Another post by you...LOL

And quit telling everyone you are gay. LMAO


October 6, 2011
9:28:38 PM

Entry #: 3813147
HEY Joeboo! I think you should take "Whine9" ooooops, "Rine9" out back, and show him how "gay" you really are! (wink) lol...



October 6, 2011
9:37:49 PM

Entry #: 3813149
Well, if anyone has anything intelligent to say. let me know. That leaves PB and JB out of the conversations. Let me know when you 2 grow up.


October 6, 2011
9:41:20 PM

Entry #: 3813152

Entry #: 3591685
Hey Joeboo
Before you can talk about "parity" in the League, you need to know the difference between "parity" and a "parody"! For the most part your complaint is a "parody" of the usual drivel that comes from the "winy" players in this League! THAT, ALSO HAS NOT CHANGED!
I suggest that you look up the meaning and spelling of the words that you choose to use, before you use them out of context!


You 2 have become pretty good buddies since this post huh? lol


October 17, 2011
3:31:49 PM

Entry #: 3819370
wow what 'parity' we have in this league...playoffs and scores of 25-12,14-1, 18-9...either really shitty pitching or shitty defense... here is one maybe WOODEN BATS and you would not have softball scores.....

one good real game of 3-2.

if you really wanted to find the true best team then the playoffs should have been played one game on saturday and a double header if necessary on sunday..

hey Reggie are those buckeyes doing this year...making you smoke even more than you already do?? here let me tell you

2011 record

4–3 (1–2 Big Ten)

but then again i am quite sure you are accustomed to loosing teams :) :) :)


October 24, 2011
9:55:38 AM

Entry #: 3823162
You sure know alot about me for not liking me. lol I voice my opinion and don't hide who I am. (Unlike you) So, to me, you are not that important. Let's stay on the subject of baseball, you want to talk about anything else, take it somewhere else. Your comments don't bother me, just shows how much of a coward you are.


November 8, 2011
6:49:59 AM

Entry #: 3833545
Hey - Just wanted to change the tone of this a bit. I enjoyed playing in the league the last three years. I made a ton of great friends and looked forward to every Sunday win or lose.

Truly miss this league after relocating back to Texas. Hopefully I'll be able to make a few games next year & if anyone would like to pick me up for tournaments just email me ( or add me on FB. Have fun guys.

Jason Lewis

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