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November 10, 2011
1:28:26 PM

Entry #: 3835309
Just a little fun. What does everyone think about this division. I seen sunday but not saturday. What teams placed on saturday? And who does everyone predict??

proud cheering mom

November 10, 2011
1:42:08 PM

Entry #: 3835316
I saw Saturday the Everett Eagles placed 1st and Plymouth 2nd. Eagles are always a team to beat this has been the team that won nationals twice. should be a good competition. But i would say Eagles 1st


November 10, 2011
9:13:17 PM

Entry #: 3835601
How about NF? I heard they won by about 15+ points. Is that possible? Are they that good? What's in their routine that could possibly make them 15+ points better than Old Rochester?


November 10, 2011
10:45:05 PM

Entry #: 3835649
New Fairfield is amazing 15pts seems like alot though but who knows they are really really good

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