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Author TOPIC: Officials

November 23, 2011
5:42:44 AM

Entry #: 3842776
It is clear after this past week's games that the officials still do not know the rules for our league.

Case and point:
Rams vs. Falcons - The refs ran the clock after touchdowns during extra point attempts. Not saying the outcome would have been different, but when I brought it up to the refs, specifically Louie I was told quote, "I Have been doing this for 15 years blah blah blah let it go"

We pay them more than any other league pays their refs and to be honest the overally quality sucks. When we try to bring up disputes in actual civil manners they are still ignorant and closed off. As a whole they do a pretty good job, but as i said before maybe its time some of these refs found another profession, because at the end of the day they are the only ones who get paid on Sunday and who should act like professionals.

Hope that it will change, but I am not very optimistic. Maybe next year we will actually give them a copy of our league rules.


November 23, 2011
9:51:46 AM

Entry #: 3842828
Just so everyone is clear on the actual rule:

6.2 – There will be four (4) fifteen (15) minute quarters. Time will be running time with the exception of the last five (5) minutes of each half. Running time will mean: starting the clock on the kick-off and will not stop except after a score, time outs and the final five minutes of each half.


November 23, 2011
9:53:58 AM

Entry #: 3842831
Seems like the kid's got a good point. I can attest to the fact that the Falcon's tried to address the argument in a civil manner, to no avail!


November 27, 2011
3:41:41 PM

Entry #: 3844183
Worst officiating in the history of the sport. D#uchebag ref apparantly thinks horse collar tackes are legal. We didnt play our best game but a horse collar tackle on the 5yd line forced us to kick a fg. Ultimately cost us the game. Props to the falcons though. They played well. Good luck guys. I'll be sniping from the press box next week

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