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Author TOPIC: Stack's Blog

January 15, 2012
10:01:56 PM

Entry #: 3857027
Welcome back coaches!

Blog Entry - Sun, Jan 15th

If you are like me - the EF juices are starting to flow as we approach opening weekend in the NEFL 2012.

For those of you who haven't got the itch yet - you will soon. We should be privileged to play in such a hotbed region for electric football in one of the hottest and dynamic leagues in
the country. We are blessed - 32 coaches - a tight rule set.
Stability and coordination from the league office.

It was great to see a few guys out today at Daly's knocking
the rust off. I won't list who was there because you can read it in your E-mail threads. Some guys didn't scrimmage or
show anything other than plain vanilla. Soon many of us will
be going deep cover. No press in the OTA's or training camp.
It will be a lock down on information. Nothing worse than
getting exposed by Norbert when he posts up the postal
service receipts. Hey, doesn't Ed live in Willingboro?

I will be writing a few times a week - so feel free to chime in.

Training camp tips:

Time to take stock of your team - don't even turn your board
on yet - line up every figure and base you have for the year.

Whether you play with 32 guys total or 72. it is time to figure
out who you are going to war with. Nostalgia is only good for
movies. so if your last 8-9 guys on offense or defense
haven't made a good play in a key situation or on special
teams - it is time to start thinking about replacing him. As you
add new talent to your team - make sure they are supremely more talented than your last 8 or 9 guys. So, if two guys are
added to your roster - two guys must go. On game day -
leave your marginal players in the box or foam. Nothing
worse than reaching for a looper and grabbing a dud.

Peace - looking forward to your thoughts on how you get ready for the new season. If you call your tweaker and tell him to give you two lines from tackle to tackle or DE to DE you are going to have problems. Don't wait - you know what you need.....

ACE Boogie

January 16, 2012
12:09:00 AM

Entry #: 3857057
If I can get games scheduled this year, I WILL GO UNDEFEATED and win the Super Bowl and you can take that to the bank!!!


January 16, 2012
4:57:39 PM

Entry #: 3857272
Ed it was nice scrimmaging with you. Don't to excited about how ya moved the ball against me because those guys were all of my throwbacks. It was nice of you to get your men on the field and bang some plastic. Much work will be done with the remaining weeks ahead. From practicing passing to checking and rechecking my "D". Don't worry after I get done with u there will be blood all over your shirt and clothes and I ain't paying the dry cleaner's bill! LOL LOL LOL!

Coach K-LO

January 18, 2012
10:06:05 AM

Entry #: 3857836
Well said, Stack!

You don't only look at the last 8-9 deep on the team, but you double check your starters too.

make sure that they stull function as you remember - for those of you who don't play year round.

put in the work on your passing game... work on your timing, get open ablility, pocket present, with defense on the field or off the field.

work on your special plays... you know you have some... they won't work right if you don't put in the work now to make it happen.

find that kicker who can do the job on FG and PAT's and the one who can kick off and puint.

don't forget to see me on opening day for your special teamers and backup and future starters at my tweak shop!

Coach k-lo


January 30, 2012
9:02:58 PM

Entry #: 3861459
Got a Smart Phone? If not a pad and pencil will work.

Scheduling Calculus:

Remember the travel coaches will generally come in every other week once the season starts.

If you plan carefully and plan to attend the Capital Clash - it may be possible to get a league game in at the event. If you take an early exit from the bracket you might have takers. misery loves comfort...

If you don't follow my plan below - and you find yourself falling behind the schedule curve after week 9 or so - it might make sense to make a road trip to MD. Pool the gas, split the tolls, brown bag it if you must. Long day but you will find ready takers.

Stack's Schedule Plan:

Input your first seven games into your phone or jot them down using the example below.

W1 - Away vs HR Puffinstuffs
repeat for next six games.

Put an asterisk next to all travel coaches.

Now not counting any away coaches you play in Week 1 plus any away coaches through Week 7 - look at your remaining schedule. Write down who you have left - that way you can zero in on any away coaches who will be seeking games on Mar 3 / 4th or Mar 17 / 18th. So, when your In Box starts filling up with coaches seeking games (whether Philly or away coaches) you can reply directly to the coach on the cc list and set-up your games.

Don't chase games in Week 10-16 when you haven't made substantial progress on your first 7 week plan.

Repeat this using grid that looks ahead every two weeks.

The league will advise you of the Holiday Schedule or any venue conflicts.

If you write down the first seven weeks or so - you can do a visual as to whether you are home or away. This way (unless you are loaded and can just flip your box over revealing a whole new team) you can pre-plan games to minimize changing over on the fly.

Stack Out...SEBPE


February 7, 2012
4:15:09 PM

Entry #: 3863766
excellent work, Stack!!!

I can follow that plan and get mine in too......


March 6, 2012
9:45:36 PM

Entry #: 3876613
Back on the blog circuit. I've been busy as you can see. Now is the time to map out your second half of season plan. Don't even think about playoffs until the seedlings come out. If you set your note up properly in the phone - you can now input weeks 8 through 17 in including the Bye week if you haven't already had it. If you don't have four games played you are probably behind so these next two weeks are critical.

Format goes like this

W5 Away vs Packers (W) - this an example Drew so don't be texting me.

Leave room for your "must win games" and keep track of them. You know which games these are. You may not win them all - but you had better win the ones you are either supposed to or those that will propel you to where you want to go.

Carve out some practice time - if you have seven running backs you better know which way they run and which way they tend to arc. Go to Walmart and by the little plexiglas standup note holder. It is .95 cents. Get a 3x5index card and draw a line down the middle. Put your left side backs on the left and your right side runners numbers on the right. Then rank them - 1 to whatever you have. Make a comma next to the rank and note which hole he hits 80 percent of the time. If you don't know your hole numbers ask Norris, Tom, or Harold. Now put the card back in the cover - should be horizontally so when you lay the plastic down you can read it. Now if Stack hears you say kick it to 28 who flared out to the left side of your back field. If he curves around and runs an arc to left but curves backwards - I will call you on it.

Find an hour to practice Ilike Friday night after 11 pm. Iput the ear buds in and listen to oldies.Old guys like old music and so will you when you get old.

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