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Author TOPIC: Rams Recent Struggles

January 16, 2012
3:58:24 PM

Entry #: 3857255
Well i have recently noticed after the past two losses that The Rams have came into somethin that I expected to happen but wouldnt have thought it would be eposed as bad as it has been exposed and that is the fact that whenever a team decides to go zone against The Rams they don't seem to work on setting anything up to score they more less just pass it aorund the 3-point line and play hot potato with the basketball...the problem is when you have 3 in 2 out and those 2 in aren't running or moving with in the ball you get overflow to one side and insetad of using that to their advantage The Rams seem to hurt themselves by either taking a bad shot underneath or forcing a shot that isn't there...another problem the Rams have is that they don't seem to have a point guard or guard who can take their man off the drive and attack the basket like if they bring teh ball down it's full go 100% throttle to the basket instead of coming down setting oin halfcourt and the point guard or guard when the guy guarding him comes up on him he decides to drive past him and either get a foul or layup or atleast drive then kick and reverse the ball...recently it's been drive to the basket and put up a little runnninf floater that is always short in which it shouldn't be a floater it should be all the way to the basket get a foul or make the basket..another thing is that during the Dubois game I seen a player come down late in the 4th quarter and The Rams were down and he shot what I refer to as a "Seacat Transition 3-pointer" and he missed the 3-pointer but the problem is to be able to consistently make those kinda 3's you have to be use to taking those kinda shots or be a good jump shooter I mean the loss to Dubois I can understand they just hit shots that in their offense was designed to go in....but to Pekin to lose to them I know it was on their homecourt but still they're 2-8 it's not like playin a good school in Indy who plays all the big and powerful schools around Indy it's a 2-8 team that a 6-2 team should beat by 20 but when the killer instinct isn't there and self doubt sets in that's what ends up happening losing to 2-8 teams this weekend should be another good test Valley they should handle and Southridge should be another good test...time to get bakc on track


fuzzy bush

January 16, 2012
4:23:52 PM

Entry #: 3857263
yeah i know when a team of that caliber is no good and a 2-8 team beats you you have one or more things going wrong, bad play selection or a coach that doesnt know what he is doing and players giving up on the coach. Seriously you do or dont have the passion to play the game and when this was seacats team he would step up and bring the game to the table and win the game but if player arent really willing to play then there is no reason to have a team. i mean light the team up or something do something i always remember the paoli 4 quarters come back and that was always special and we paoli fans dont forget that so lets go team oh forgot to metion what about the fist motion offense when was called it was fist motion offense not stand and look around and have a finger up ur ass if u will call it then call it right the school team is so completly different now and what happen to the cheerleaders cheer for the team instead now cheering for the fans and disturbing them thats not cool so for now lets fire up team!!!

fuzzy bush


February 14, 2012
10:08:06 PM

Entry #: 3866574
Until Paoli gets a coach that respect players and the reefs and the game its self they will go nowhere
and the jV coach what games I have seen is embarrassig
From what I hear the varsity coach is gone.I think they should look at the Jones guy who has had some good teaing under brown.paoli has some young talent coming up I hope they find them a.good coach this guy has done ruined some.good players.


February 16, 2012
6:17:08 PM

Entry #: 3867538
Oh come on now the Hulkster attempted shirt rip off from a few games ago by the JV is worth m,y 5 dollars plus you put in all of his antics during the game it's worth admission but seriously now I don't know how a coach is supposed to have his players understand or listen to him when everytime he gets down or gets behind or the other team makes a good run he starts whining and complaining like a school girl at the refs about the bad calls they're making? well that's atleast my take on the JV side of things...

Varsity: I'm just counting down the days but if I hear the coach talk about what "paoli basketball" is and his team plays poorly again i'm goin to wonder don't make me post stories on Paoli teams form the pas (which I plan on doin) too set the record straight...89-40 nuff said about tthat coaching



February 19, 2012
6:30:21 PM

Entry #: 3868380
Another loss against Perry Friday night that I blame on our coach its a shame that our boys put all the time and hard work in and have to play for a coach like him. I hope they fire both jv and varsity coaches and hire someone that will atleast give the boys a chance


February 20, 2012
1:51:44 PM

Entry #: 3868748
If anyone witnesses the Lady Rams' all season or even in tournament play can you honestly say that the offense they run and how they play defense isn't 1,000,000 times better than the boys? can you imagine how better the offense would look (as an example) if you had a guard driving to the basket kick it out to a player in the corner who swings it to the elbow or skips it to the top of the key then you have like as an example Tanner coming of a curl screen coming from the other 3-point elbow on the opposite side through the lane for a layup? what about a weave in and out dribble drive offense I sat back and watched the boys game against Perry then the two Regional games and it's amazing how bad the boys look just running an offense I blame it on coaching and not understanding the "Paoli Way" amd one coach who is one heckuva coahc who gets it


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