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Author TOPIC: Southridge Game

January 23, 2012
5:49:47 PM

Entry #: 3859447
Well too me the Rams actually played good against Southridge but just couldn't get anything to fall it seemed as though within a few short feet of the basket there was a lid on the basket but I think if you take a look back and think about it games like these will help The Rams come tournament time a close nip and tuck game that comes down to the wire or overtime what went wrong against Southridge was just nothin fell poor but as I watched the game that night I started to realize somethin and that was The Rams team seems to like to shy away from contact there were numerous occassions where A Rams player would be right under the basket and instead of drawing a foul or making an easier shot even easier they would just shot put it as I call it off the backboard and the ball would rocket off the glass and out of the rim then there were times when they woukd try to force stuff and it would end up in a charge those little things can make a difference in a game if you come out aggressive and physical with the mindset that you are the aggressor things may change then I just think some players need to go form goin 100 mph with the ball to 45 mph it would help with those close in shots near the basket Key drives baseline at 100 mph shot rims out Burnette has one heckuva 100 mph 360 spin move goin to the basketreleases the ball with his momentum goin away form the basket shot rims out you fix a little of the mechanical things with them like that straightend up it's a tough team it also kills me that the post men aren't frequently moving to find spaces to get open when a team zones them it's wither one player going weaving through the defense or the post players goin from free throw lane to free throw lane but The Rams are 7-4 3-0 in PLAC with a good chance at winning conference and Sectional they could win also so I hope for more Rams wins because I would hate to see a good season go to bad in a hurry.


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