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Author TOPIC: Coach Cole

February 20, 2012
12:31:13 PM

Entry #: 3868697
Quick question. How long do you think it will take for Dusty Cole to be offered the Boys Varsity job? It's obvious that Dusty has what it takes to be a great coach. He studied under Paoli's best ever coach in Mike Brown and he has learned what it takes to be successful. Just wondering what everyone thinks.


February 20, 2012
4:04:17 PM

Entry #: 3868825
This might be a long one but I just have to get it out if you are the boys basketball program and you want to get back to being known statewide for basketball again you hire him you are looking at what 10-15 years maybe more of him coaching the boys he would bring back what the Paoli Boys basketball program has been lacking recently and that is playing the game "The Paoli style" there hasn't been a coach in the boys program who has capatilized on the groundwork Brown set and came in and set the ground work from elementary to high school and that was everyone one of those grades teams or players from biddy ball to varsity seniors ran the same drills the same offense the same defense the same rebounding the same everything that was 14 years in the making so if you look at it from when Brown left the boys program he kept somethin that noone took advantage of heck even when he first starting to coach the girls team he was coaching an undefeated 6th grade boys team so you could've past that on up through the grades but noone did and that set the program back because the coaches had to do it "our way" which is why everyone else is ahead of the boys program because instead of moving forward the boys are moving backwards enough about that anyway you put Dusty as boys coach it brings back that Paoli style and if you look at the lower grades and down the line and what's coming up you better make the move soon...if you watched the boys Perry Central game then went and watched the Paoli Girls' Regional Game you must be Stevie Wonder to see the difference in the teams and why one is playing better I just don't get why you wouldn't from the boys point of view tryin somethin similar? why not run an offense or play the way that in the past has (including the girls) has won 10 sectionals 7 regionals been to 3 Elite Eights 3 Final Fours and was a State runner Up and A Hall of Fame Classic Champion? instead of improving you are hurting the boys program now coaching wise has became a sideshow you go to see if the varsity coach will throw a clipboard 3rd row into the bleachers if he will cuss someone out of if the JV coach will try to do a Texas Two Step or a fake Hulkster shirt rip off or chase a ref off the floor or whine toi the refs when somethin goes wrong as opposed to goin and watching them because they are winning and you are cheering them on to win where as the Girls Coach actually runs his plays makes adjustments on the fly occassionally yells at the refs but for good reason and you go there to actually support the team because they are winning? I say hire Cole because he knows and understands "Paoli Basketball" at least that's my 2 cents




February 22, 2012
8:32:04 AM

Entry #: 3869535
I would love to see Cole coach the boys but I don't see it happening anytime soon.he has a good thing going with the girls.but its for sure the boys need someone who can coach and not cuss and yell all the time.I hope those in charge of hiring a new coach see what a joke the jv and varsity coaches and its not fair to the boys they deserve better.

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