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Author TOPIC: Sectional Predictions

February 28, 2012
7:36:27 AM

Entry #: 3871961
Any predictions for the upcoming boys sectional? It looks like to me that the boys are ready for Baseball season. I think Coach Harrell should be gone. Hopefully if this is his last Hoo-Rah we finally can land a coach that has his stuff together. He is an embarrasment and the boys deserve better. Any thoughts??


February 28, 2012
10:58:07 AM

Entry #: 3872071
Hopefully the boys can make it through the first round, unfortunately, my prediction is they won’t make it any farther than that. This season has come to a sad ending for these kids, had they had more positive leadership I believe they could have gone much farther. I have never thought Coach Harrell was a good coach however, I am not sure what has happened recently. The first half of the season showed promise as they were 6-1 earlier in the season. It is evident to everyone that neither his head nor his heart has been in basketball for the past month or two. He definitely needs to be gone next year so that Paoli can rebuild this program. I hope that Harrell is a better educator than a coach, if not than Paoli has bigger problems than the basketball program.


February 28, 2012
4:44:00 PM

Entry #: 3872331
I hop they will beat Henryville because after that chances of winning another Sectional game seem pretty slim I don't know what happend but right after christmas break the season went to crap for the Rams after a promising start then the the rumors start flying the coach gets suspended for a game (the same game he Nolan Ryan'd a clipboard into the 3rd row of the bleachers) the only thing that bothers me is he said that he was going to bring back the basketball tradition to Paoli? and i'm still waiting on it I don't want the Paoli tradiion to end on opening night...the basketball program needs someone who understands the "Paoli Basketball Way" and what it stands for to coach the team



March 4, 2012
4:41:48 PM

Entry #: 3875110
Great job this year boys very proud of you. Having said that I really hope the school board sees what a embarrassment this coach is to the paoli school and sends him down the road soon and then hires a coach that knows the game and how to respect the kids and will teach the kids the game and what real sportsmanship is all about. This coach should have took notes from the football coach on how to have a little class and earn your respect from the players


March 5, 2012
4:18:01 PM

Entry #: 3875673
Amen purplepower. I refuse to call him a coach. I just can't bring myself to do it. This guy had his head somewhere else for the second half of the season. If anybody knows him at all, you know exactly what the problem was for sure. But, for the last game, I definitely swear his head was in his butt. He was an embarrassment for sure. Think of how many games the Rams lost from simply being out-coached......wait, that was all of our losses. Hopefully they get someone in there that not only demands respect for himself, but for the game as well. These kids need to be taught that it is a PRIVILEGE to wear that RAMS jersey on the floor Not a RIGHT. They are there to represent the school and to represent well win or lose. It's time to have someone in there there that can teach these boys some class. The football team and the ladies basketball teams definitely have it. It's time for the boys basketball team to "show more class and less ass". LET'S START WITH A NEW COACH.


March 6, 2012
4:44:49 PM

Entry #: 3876459
They just need to clean house and start fresh bring someone in who understands what "Paoli Basketball" is all about

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