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March 6, 2012
4:59:37 PM

Entry #: 3876470
wow!!! I am so sick and tired of people saying they are ram fans when we have a sectional and we have the fewest fans!!!! this is sad and the saddest part is for the boys who play....yeah they don't always make the best decisions or show the best sportsmanship but they ARE kids...and they are learning...and the ram fans are not showing them this....all they are showing them is the winnign programs is all that matters, I love the football coach but am sick of people talking about basketball tradition it is gone and until they are winning again we will have people on here talking trash not only about coaches but also the boys :( the coaches are adults and its one thing to trash talk them but the players are kids learning to be adults and we are not showing them much!!!! I LOVE THE Paoli rams basketball boys and my heart breaks for the senior boys and how their last season and game ended.


March 6, 2012
5:18:08 PM

Entry #: 3876489
You are exactly right on all counts. I was extremely disappointed in our "fans" and the fact that our house was more filled by the fans of the other schools than by our own these last couple ballgames. Unfortunately there are some people that only care about the teams if we are winning. I noticed that first hand this past football season and if it was evident we were going to lose a football game people would leave early, essentially giving up on our kids. Even though it may not be pretty we need to be ready to sing our fight song win or lose. The team, no matter what team, needs to know we are supporting them no matter what. they need to see us in the stands cheering them on.

The boys only play as they are coached to play. Unfortunately that is not always the right way. This basketball team has a lot to learn, in more ways than one, and hopefully the administration will find someone that is INTERESTED in "coaching" them not only in the game, but in life as well. It was extremely apparent this guy had NO interest in the boys at all. GO RAMS!!


March 8, 2012
4:23:46 PM

Entry #: 3877666
I agree that the Paoli fan support for the boys sectional was down it's sad when you host a sectional and attract the least crowd there

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