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Author TOPIC: who really has #1 pick??

March 28, 2012
1:53:40 PM

Entry #: 3887608
Im not usually one to gripe, i love playing ball in a league i grew up watching. Our league does an unbelievable job at providing us a fun, competitive environment with a great bunch of guys. My question is this, if a team disbands under its own volition, should they really be granted the top 5 picks overall in a draft? why do they get rewarded for this?

im not suggesting it is the teams fault, but is this really fair to other teams that are in need of talent in order to be more competitive? just a talking point, but i heard through the rumour mill that the number one pick is actually #6 this year (and yes we are supposed to get #1).. Summit certainly benefited from this format last year, im afraid we are on a slippery slope!!

Ricky Seymour

injury prone

March 28, 2012
2:19:45 PM

Entry #: 3887643
Who is disbanding.


March 28, 2012
10:07:21 PM

Entry #: 3887898
does every team get a free pick like last year? that would be fair to all


March 29, 2012
6:55:51 AM

Entry #: 3888018
That is the best suggestion I have ever read on this forum.

injury prone

March 29, 2012
10:18:13 AM

Entry #: 3888099
A free pick was exactly what I was thinking to make it fair. It also improves the overall quality of the league. Still not sure if a team is actally disbanding though! Truth or rumour?


March 29, 2012
11:36:30 AM

Entry #: 3888185
A free pick would be the correct thing to do.


March 29, 2012
12:18:20 PM

Entry #: 3888234
im okay with a free pick, if each team gets one before one team gets 5 .. seems reasonable.

at least that way if a team earns the first pick, they actually are given the opportunity to improve as best they see fit. the top 5 shouldn't be allowed to go to one squad, we learned that in grade school... i thought!

Mr. October

March 29, 2012
1:01:35 PM

Entry #: 3888270
Is there another team calling it quits this year? The question wasn't answered....


March 29, 2012
7:03:37 PM

Entry #: 3888538
If the rumor is true, then the only logical thing to do to compensate for the first 5 picks going to the new team is to give every team a shot at one player. No different frm last year. This is a very simple decision.

Mellowing Out

March 29, 2012
8:24:19 PM

Entry #: 3888568

I think many of you have misconceptions about the rules concernng the "disbanding of teams" If a team is in this position they should have already notified the league executive before now as our deadline was February 28th.

Here are the rules regarding the disbanding of teams as outlined in the USPL constitution.

5.021 Disbanding of Teams
"Any team that looses 66% or more players in total to a combination of “A draft, Master’s Division and leaving the league may, at the option of the Directors, be disbanded. The remaining players will be dispersed in the A draft."

With rosters set at 15 players, a team can be disbanded with Executive approval if only 5 or less players are registered to return to that team. Those 5 players still have to enter the "A draft (as returning players) and if they wanted to remain a unit they would have to be selected as the 1st 5 picks alotted to the "new team". So really no advantage to disbanding. Once they are at 5 players, they go to the bottom position of the B-1 draft (9th or 10th pick position depending on what half they finished in). Teams then take their turn selecting players until the "new team" has 8 players. Many teams are already full by now. When the "new team" is at 8 players, the bottom 2 teams from the top half of the standings enter the draft and begin drafting. When the "new team" is at 10 players, the rest of the top teams enter the draft and teams draft in turn until they all reach 15 players. Most higher ranked teams are maxed out at 15 before the new team is finished selecting as few need 5 players.

Where is the advantage?


March 30, 2012
8:22:07 AM

Entry #: 3888701
I agree 100% with giving all team a pick.

C C & Coke

March 30, 2012
1:43:58 PM

Entry #: 3888883
Put me down for a vote for a free pick.

Cads 33

March 30, 2012
3:50:28 PM

Entry #: 3888936
Question for many:

What if your team currently has 15 players. Will you want to go to 16 players? It will most likely mean less at bats and 3 sits each player. You good with that?

If the league needs players we should consider going to an optional 14 man roster. Any thoughts?


March 30, 2012
6:35:17 PM

Entry #: 3889006
If we want less players, get rid of the team that does not have enough players. Easy as that.

What is your team has 15, who decides which guy leaves? It is not going to be Jeff Gayman type. Come on, get real.


March 30, 2012
9:48:08 PM

Entry #: 3889064
the free pick strengthens the did not and will not be a detriment

Mellowing Out

March 31, 2012
3:13:39 PM

Entry #: 3889232
I'm not suggesting that you can cut any of your existing 15 players, but that teams could have the option of playing with a minimum of 14 guys.


March 31, 2012
3:47:25 PM

Entry #: 3889242
Is it fair for your team to have only have 14 when we have 15? Your comments deify logic.


April 1, 2012
8:10:16 AM

Entry #: 3889405
What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? The answer is one free pick for every team.


April 1, 2012
8:21:36 PM

Entry #: 3889613
free pick = fair for all


April 1, 2012
10:34:46 PM

Entry #: 3889726
free at last free at last....picks for every team...i agree with everyone else

Fair 79 Ball

April 2, 2012
8:16:00 AM

Entry #: 3889848
I have to say......I find some of the reactions accurate.....I read this baloney for entertainment .......I had to document my opinion on the record.....bringing new players that do not go through the draft is a great thing


April 2, 2012
7:31:23 PM

Entry #: 3890409
WOW! It is almost that time of the year fellas, really excited to see the fresh talent in the draft. The statements above are all accurate for the most part. It does not hurt the league to bring in guys that would not normally play in the most organized league in the province.

Rev Hero

April 3, 2012
7:33:30 AM

Entry #: 3890627
Here's the rub. Please lend your eyes.

I know the expression "I couldn't agree with you more." means "I totally agree with you!" Is it right that the subjunctive mood is used in the sentence, meaning "I totally agree with you, and how could I agree with you more than I agree now. I can't." 
If we need players, we should allow an exemption choice for every team. It worked last year. 


April 4, 2012
1:00:12 PM

Entry #: 3891746
a pick is good.............which team is broken up?


April 5, 2012
7:32:02 PM

Entry #: 3892556
Adding a extra player without the draft is a fablous plan.


April 8, 2012
9:13:58 AM

Entry #: 3893331
what is the status of this?

Fair 79 Ball

April 11, 2012
7:15:48 AM

Entry #: 3894662
Dear NyQuil ,
you are making my mornings miserable and my body really really lazy ....what is going on with the free pick?


April 12, 2012
8:36:53 PM

Entry #: 3895833
We should have the one free pick rule. It should bring in high level players. Better players make for a better league.


April 14, 2012
10:23:56 AM

Entry #: 3896581
I understand that this rule was approved. Thanks Ricky for bringing this up. Free pick for all.


April 15, 2012
10:51:37 PM

Entry #: 3897162
Tryouts next Saturday. I'll show there amateurs how it's done ha ha.


April 16, 2012
11:13:57 PM

Entry #: 3898049
Is the free pick real? That was a outstanding decision.


April 18, 2012
10:36:52 PM

Entry #: 3899455
Just look at the fluctuations in success and failure some teams enjoys or suffers depending on the draft. Not only do we depend on an team rep's interpretation of a good pick, but we also depend on the friendship of players on our team. In many ways, the draft is a game of Socratic shadows.
And I like that. I believe those multiple interpretations to be part of what makes the league and the draft beautiful.

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