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Author TOPIC: Mert's Picks

June 12, 2012
5:34:21 PM

Entry #: 3931294
Okay Do I have your attention now????
Okay, it’s been a very long time since I have done my weekly picks, but I’ll give it my best shot in hopes it wakes this place up a bit. What happened? This place looks feels and smells like a morgue.
zombie-walking-dead Pictures, Images and Photos
Far be it from me to start some controversy, but watching the smack around here die a horrible death can’t be allowed. NOT UP IN HERE!!

The first game is between TRUST and Botelho’s. This promises to be another classic in great softball as last year’s champs defend home field against a tough and gritty TRUST team. Hadfield and Johnson the new acquisitions for TRUST are doing some work for TRUST along with the Bagshaws, Delpadre, Walker and two of my old teammates Keith “Devil” Devlin and Jim Desroisers. But Botelho’s has the sick nasty pitching of LB4LB, and the tutelage of Ian “Jesus in Cleats” Smith. I’m going to go out on a limb and call Botelho’s to take both in very tight hard fought games.

In the second game we have GQ vs Ultra at the fish tank. My apologies to Ultra but these Hairdressers are on fire right now. I’m taking the Hairdressers to take both this week and continue on their way to the playoffs.
Game 3 features AJ’s vs. Anger management at Foster. Both teams seem to be absolutely stacked as far as I can see but AJ’s has a serious disadvantage in having Gopher in their lineup.
If Gopher is there I am definitely picking Anger Management for the SWEEP!

Button Mashers Pictures, Images and Photos

Down at Hunters we have what seems to be shaping up as a pretty damn good game between Shamrock and Button Mashers. Competitive games as they should be aside, Button Masher take the two!

At Philips Hill 1 we have Embrace vs. The Firefighters…..Not this week firefighters. You might just be able to get yourself a Kirby Murphy autographed homerun ball though…if you can find one. Embrace takes the pair.


The Next game features both my old squads PUB vs OTR. Both teams are very tough this year and this one has me split, so that’s what I’m calling a split for OTR and PUB.

Finally the Game of the Week…Moulton vs. Crowe. This one should be a great pair of games.
Not quite as great as this pair.
Both teams are absolutely stacked. Not as stacked as this but…
I’m calling for a split in this one too!

So there you have my picks for this week.
As always see you out there.


June 12, 2012
11:03:11 PM

Entry #: 3931460
Great job spicing it up 'uncle mert, ..this 2012 summer season is def shaping up to be an exciting finish...

..I believe the level of competition in our rec league this year will speak for itself.

Drawing out some more good solid players & hopefully more teams for next season.

Best wishes to all.


June 12, 2012
11:28:15 PM

Entry #: 3931472
Thanks Bossman, good luck with that monster squad you guys got. Good group you got there. I'm going to have to come by and get me a lineup at GQ soon! If you can make an ugly mutha fucka like me look good then I know you're the best!


June 12, 2012
11:35:30 PM

Entry #: 3931475
Damn I screwed up...this was supposed to be the photo for GQ

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