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Author TOPIC: swollen stats

July 31, 2012
10:41:59 AM

Entry #: 3955109
How can a team have more RBI's than runs scored for the season? How are RBI's given out on every run scored? They must have played some stellar defenses as RBI's don't count on errors...I'm still curious how a team has more RBI's then runs though.

Traditionally within softball you'll see about 90-93% RBI's to runs scored based on errors....just food for thought.

...just noticed it...thought that was a little awkward.

Hey but good luck to everyone in the playoffs this weekend! some great matchups.

Fat Stallyn

July 31, 2012
12:29:29 PM

Entry #: 3955203
It's not us this year, I reverse padded our stats to keep Stevens off my case.


July 31, 2012
2:35:01 PM

Entry #: 3955282


July 31, 2012
3:10:58 PM

Entry #: 3955312
By laws state an individual player needs 1/2 season games played, plus 1. I believe. I did notice a few 'studs' that will fall ineligible for playoffs on diff teams. I also noticed a few 'extra games played' penciled in for a certain few 'studs'. But me personally, I think EVERYONE should play & enjoy the playoffs.. I'm not one to point out inelligibility, although my phone hasn't stopped with 'headsup finger pointing' lol.. to me it's softball, all in the name of good clean fun-).

...cya on the fields boyz!!..


July 31, 2012
3:19:17 PM

Entry #: 3955320
if a team forfeits to you....every player on your roster gets games played for the two forfeits.

"penciled in" doesn't exist


July 31, 2012
3:37:45 PM

Entry #: 3955330
*just to clarify. I wasn't referring to that Ian. I'm aware of the forfeit credit rule. I won't point out anyone specific. But it's funny how certain issues guys rush to attempt to discredit a team or a player, or easily send out accusations, but certain 'stud' players are recognizable by most teams in the league & it's known whether or not they attended games said . Again , I really personally don't care who plays for who when or where. But I do find it amusing.
Play ball!... just sayin!!


July 31, 2012
3:49:17 PM

Entry #: 3955339
ONLY reason I made any mention was bcuz certain savvy managers hav blowup my phone with 'Intel' / 'insight' on a couple teams whom may or may not realize that these softball computer
Nerds watch these things like hawks... believe me, I thInk it's petty & I don't care, but I guess putting it out there is better than rumor mills & nonsense.. AGAIN, I say EVERYONE showup & play... I don't personally care If certain teams 'pencilled in' a couple extra games played to qualify their player(s)...

Just like guvna said about rbi/runs scored... its no secret certain teams pad stats. Sum guys pad games played to qualify. Sum guys don't even realize theIr short games played to qualify... sum guys hav made it known how it's a big secret that they don't truly have enuff games played but their manager was smart to pencil them in, lol.. just sayin.. it's funny to me... GOD BLESS SUNDAY SOFTBALL!!.. The drama & politics of it all is amusing... but I'm a sucker for this game . ... like the rest of u.. AGAIN, WHO CARES!!.. PLAY BALL!!

Ronnie G

July 31, 2012
4:21:11 PM

Entry #: 3955355

That's the game that our +2 RBI difference shows up. Game says we scored 13, drove in 15 and the real score of the game was 14-2 I looked at the email I sent in for the stats.

I don't know why the other team has the same difference but it seems to me like just an accident in the entry of the stats.


July 31, 2012
4:45:58 PM

Entry #: 3955371


July 31, 2012
5:59:51 PM

Entry #: 3955408
No mistake that every run scored warrants an RBI....shouldn't be more 93% if the stats were truly accurate....way too many errors and fielder's choices...for this league, I'm guessing 85% is more like it.

the walking dead

July 31, 2012
8:20:43 PM

Entry #: 3955477
Since your playing patriot oil I guess your referring to them. You must care u keep posting about it!! There must be a lot of cheese around you because that's what rats like to eat!


July 31, 2012
8:47:12 PM

Entry #: 3955491
Hey Guvna did you look at your teams stats 374 runs scored 370 rbi.
It seems you guys pad as well as anybody else,lol.


July 31, 2012
8:52:42 PM

Entry #: 3955496
BTW Guvna,
Didn't realize your team tied for best league average also with Moulton,LOL.
Now I see why Kirby won the league title


August 1, 2012
10:00:38 AM

Entry #: 3955719
404 to 370 is what I see (91.6%) good try though...

7 teams within 1 run or MORE RBI's than runs scored....just sayin.

And for scoring the 2nd most runs in the league, it makes sense that our batting average would be as high, no? And that's with 2 forfeits factored in.

Anything else?


August 1, 2012
12:13:37 PM

Entry #: 3955811
hahahaahahaha got you tucker, mind your own business ahole! lol


August 1, 2012
4:30:11 PM

Entry #: 3956018
I must not be able to read cause under your team stats I see 374 runs scored with 370 rbi and last yr your team has like 423 scored with 422 rbi.
I guess I can't read the stats page and having the highest average 2 yrs in a row for team avg. seems a little odd when questionning padded stats.
You are right about one thing the stats are padded by most teams.
Demonti Good Luck hitting in the playoffs this year,lol.


August 1, 2012
4:34:49 PM

Entry #: 3956023
Scoring runs could lead to better averages but what about the errors. Every ball hit is not a hit.
Same argument as yours for rbi goes for averages.


August 1, 2012
4:45:06 PM

Entry #: 3956027
Tuck, I was looking at the standings page when I looked at runs be honest, I don't have the time to look up if the forfeits counted towards total runs etc but there's a discrepancy of 30 runs somewhere which is what I was going off when I initially started busting balls looking at other teams. So based on what I went off in the standings page, I showed 404....

Looking at what you were going off, that previous number of 7 teams just went to 15 lol....actually it made the comparisons worse than what I saw initially!! (us included)

Never said anyone wasn't guilty, I have no problem pointing the gun back my way )

Good luck playing a possible 4 games on sunday!

T Mac

August 1, 2012
7:43:43 PM

Entry #: 3956103
I think the reason that the stats are so padded and everyone has such a high batting average and not enough rbi's for runs is because the guvna.... broke into smitty's computer and changed it around to draw some of the attention away from his team finishing 7th. Smart move Matty! But on a serious note who really cares... u can just give me the extra rbi's see how much it matters ( it doesnt )

A certain someone i know told me... if you aint cheating yuo aint trying, so bc of that i salute you all CMSL!

As for predictions on the playoff season. id love to see a 5 - 8 sweep but i dont know if that will happen. Im gonna go with AJ's taking the 8 seed.

But they come up a little short vs crowe ( and as surprising as it is u r reading this i am just as surprised im writing it ) but i think the crowe actually gets out of the first round this year.

I think rock junction takes this one out from underneath GQ's feet, with some late inning hitting. In a 3 game battle royal. No free haircuts this playoff round.

cm vs anger this is a tough one but with right field open at nike i think anger has a bit more of an advantage being used to playing with that open field. CM from what i have read or heard doesnt seem like the same team from past years. Playoffs is when it matters tho so we will see what they got but i am going with my boys Lem and most of the former JR's to take this series.

Trust vs Botelho this is tough bc i root for trust to do well but i would b a bit jealous if they won it without me.... i think if the gyro and rkg isnt working then trust steals game 2 and 3. if botelho is out practicing saturday throwing into buckets. Botelho in 2.

But what the hell do i know ... i got my own BS going on out here, Going for a Utah State Title on Saturday. Good luck to everyone in playoffs!

E W 3 3

August 1, 2012
10:45:13 PM

Entry #: 3956183
Good luck T-mac.


August 2, 2012
5:57:01 AM

Entry #: 3956240
Wrong pick tsac


August 3, 2012
7:41:09 AM

Entry #: 3956771
17 games played 18 at bats!!!!!


August 3, 2012
11:36:40 AM

Entry #: 3956895
Lem that wouldn't be a swollen stat. That's pinch hitting once a game,lol.
That is probably the most accurate stat in Coventry.


August 3, 2012
2:44:31 PM

Entry #: 3956995
Who got who? Maybe you should learn to read on your own before making someone else type your comment. Oh snap!!!!!!!

Good Luck to all the teams this weekend. I feel some upsets coming.

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