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Author TOPIC: Old School
USPL Blogger

August 20, 2012
6:57:22 AM

Entry #: 3964730
Since starting the season an abysmal 2-8, the badass Black & Yellow have grinded out 10 wins over the last dozen played – an impressive stretch of hard fought battles and late night parking lot good times – leaving The School sitting pretty amidst the strong Toogood Division.

Having retooled with younger talent in recent years, The ‘Old’ School has also fostered a reconditioned emotional charge. The team has been through the fire. Forged together, they have emerged optimistic on the backend of an extremely competitive season. Rolling behind their veteran leadership, this gritty team looks to keep on keepin’ on...

Despite recovering from a terrible start though, these good ol’ boys have their work cut out for them - both to secure a playoff spot, and then to prove the doubters wrong once they do. But so far they’ve at least proved to themselves just how deep their resolve runs.

Will they make the Playoffs?

We’ll see.


August 20, 2012
10:00:56 AM

Entry #: 3964813
I just reviewed the tree game remaining for the School, a tough schedule. They will be challenged to get one point out of a possible six. They may not make the show.

Hard Express

August 21, 2012
5:27:38 PM

Entry #: 3965603
Hey Con-grats to the School on the few wins. You guys are just a guy or six away from giving any team a run for the top spot.

Hows that for stats!!!!!


August 22, 2012
11:41:01 AM

Entry #: 3965880
The School went down last night. What is going on?


August 23, 2012
4:51:25 PM

Entry #: 3966581
Drinking alcohol makes me an alcoholic. So does drinking Fanta make me fantastic?


August 31, 2012
2:36:15 PM

Entry #: 3970398
The School guarntees a spot in the championship round.


September 4, 2012
4:59:08 AM

Entry #: 3971647
If I were to tell you my dream would you laugh? would you scold? would you belittle and destroy... this insight can set you for the School.....Nick brings loads of excitement to a game.


September 6, 2012
10:14:57 AM

Entry #: 3972743
Beware of Summit, they are an awesome team.


September 9, 2012
9:54:35 PM

Entry #: 3974542
Just woke up from my drunk nap. Had a horrible dream that Jakes won the connie and came back to win the big one and that I actually saw it in person. Ok ok just a dream.

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