| LAK66
August 21, 2012 9:00:01 PM
Entry #: 3965686
| !kcid a er'uoy nairB
First off, I want to thank all 14 teams for their part in making this year another successful season. Having an unbelievable season without rainouts(besides 1 game) also helped in making this season run smooth. Competition for the division titles and/or divisional money positions also came down to late in the year and that's pretty cool to work out that way.
Congratulations to Young Guns this year's Playoff Champions. A good young and competitive team that will be fun to play against for years to come. The only knock is the forfeits. No other league would put up with the number of forfeits that you had and that's going to have to rectified on your part. I know your own teammates would agree.
Playoff finishers were: 1st Place - Young Guns 2nd Place - Hurricane Alley 3rd Place - Main St. Mob
Best finisher of seeds 9-12 - Dunning's Grill.
I know the week(s) leading up to the tournament/playoff was a little hectic with the condition of the field before it was fixed so I appreciate the cooperation of several league players for their part in helping get the field worked on and ready.
Frank - Thanks for the assistance that you've given me throughout the season from getting the softballs preseason and postseason, and also getting the necessary insurance on time.
Rob - Thanks for all you help especially regarding Blair Fields. Couldn't have done it without you and your contacts I'm sure.
Joe - Thanks for getting the East McKeesport Field permit this year. So much of an upgrade over Crestas!!
Andrew, Jim, Timmy White and everyone else that give me updates to the Blair Fields the week of the playoffs while I was away in Myrtle Beach and not able to visible inspect the field at that time.
Bob for dragging the fields before the tournament began.
To all managers in submitting your scores, for the most part, on time allowing for the website to be current. (We do, however, need to make sure BOTH TEAMS can agree with the final score) I've mentioned before that 2 teams that play each other text me different scores?? This happened every singe week. Scorekeepers can double check with the other teams book after each inning. It only makes sense to do that because then there's no descrepency on how many runs you're chasing.
I know this is a rather long post, but I truely do appreciate all the cooperation that I get and got this year from everybody. I hope all teams enjoyed it again and for the 1st year teams, I especially hope you enjoyed it to return next season. If you came from a different league last year, I hope that I convinced you that this is a good league and one that I hold with high integrity.