| Web USPL
October 21, 2012 9:36:18 PM
Entry #: 3997306
| Topic: George Laraque Event at Rawlicious (on Main St. Markham)
Content: George Laraque, the Ex-NHL'er, current Vegan & Animal Rights Advocate, and Deputy Leader to the Green Party of Canada, is in town November 16th at Rawlicious on Main St. Markham. Tickets are $100 ($50 after tax refund), and include a 3 course dinner and drinks. It’s a great way to learn about the vegan diet, and hear a hardnosed hockey player talk about some important challenges we face as a Country.
You can buy ticket's here: http://www.markhamgreens.ca/laraque
Please feel free to pass this along to any Hockey enthusiasts or Vegan eaters who might be interested.