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Author TOPIC: Football??

October 29, 2012
9:43:47 PM

Entry #: 4002660
Any FOOTBALL info? Playoff bracket?


October 30, 2012
10:54:43 AM

Entry #: 4002871
Painfully obvious that football is not a priority in EMASS


October 30, 2012
11:09:45 AM

Entry #: 4002878
It's painfully obvious that there are many more cheer people than football interested in this chat room. Alsways been that way.


October 30, 2012
3:29:51 PM

Entry #: 4003067
The football people need to change that. I am looking forward for the coming playoffs, but I cannot understand why each league is not posting information about games. I believe more people would come out if information is available.


November 1, 2012
11:03:25 AM

Entry #: 4004322
It's not just the forum that is one-sided...the home page of this PWFCEM website is ALL CHEER. Don't get me wrong, I am a supporter of cheer...but, last I checked this is a football conference in the first week of playoffs and NO INFO?? We are new to this area, so maybe this is the norm...but, I must say that we are disappointed in the lack of organization and support for football.

kevin s

November 1, 2012
11:28:40 AM

Entry #: 4004341
Happy to see Football actually on this website! Its time for playoffs and we should be supportive of all the young athletes who are playing and Cheering! People need to understand that each league is asked to provide 2 fields for the playoffs .......SOMETIMES for many reasons this cant be done therefore the conference is left scrambling to find available fields......( Thank you for doing so) its not due to not trying and being all about Cheerleading.....alot of people put many hours into coordinating all games and locations...Please be considerate of this and enjoy the remainder of your seasons! And hopefully Football people will continue to post on this website.....


November 1, 2012
11:51:39 AM

Entry #: 4004359
Agree that a lot of work goes into getting fields for these games. This site should be able to post those sites and the results. More games in Lawrence tonight too


November 1, 2012
1:53:38 PM

Entry #: 4004460
Kevin you said it best. When an association says they can get a field and then 2 laters for whatever reason they can't the conference has to scramble. Alot of it is last minutes, because football games are played outside and the weather doesn't alway cooperate. I will see what I can do about getting the games and sites listed here. Not making any promises, as my first obligation is to Cheering!


November 1, 2012
2:02:33 PM

Entry #: 4004473
Just in, games in Dracut tonight too


November 1, 2012
7:13:29 PM

Entry #: 4004734
Just so everyone knows the football playoff schedule is located under headlines on the welcome page. I am sure that is where it will be posted from here on out. Good Luck to all the football teams!


November 2, 2012
6:56:15 AM

Entry #: 4004912
Lynette, Thank you for the help on getting some info posted

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