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Author TOPIC: OOA Today?

October 30, 2012
9:39:58 AM

Entry #: 4002838
Did I hear correctly that the ooa is expected to be out today? Just to be clear I am not criticizing I know how much work and how complicated it is, I have a lot of admiration for the people that put it together, just want to know when during the week we can expect it maybe closer to end of week?



October 30, 2012
12:22:39 PM

Entry #: 4002943
Supposedly today unless major changes have to be made. I believe Karen Pope gave teams until noon to accept their invites and then will finalize it.

There are sooooo many teams with there now being 4 difficulty levels. And some divisions have a TON of teams. JPW med 2 has 10 teams. It's going to be a crazy long day!


October 30, 2012
2:30:51 PM

Entry #: 4003024
where will it be posted?


October 30, 2012
2:38:45 PM

Entry #: 4003032
Your coordinators will get it first I assume.


October 30, 2012
4:37:39 PM

Entry #: 4003124
TOO MANY TEAMS, in my opinion!! When I coached years ago, only the top 2 teams from A, B, C, and D level would move onand that's it!! Only the best teams won and that's how it should be.


October 30, 2012
7:31:11 PM

Entry #: 4003280
Agree whw!


October 30, 2012
7:36:28 PM

Entry #: 4003286
And years ago people were complaining, because the couldn't compete a small team against a large team, so National's changed it. Then people complained that Novice teams couldn't compete against Intermediate or Advanced teams, so National's changed it. Now people want to complain that there are to many teams. Wonder if National's will change it. Can't make everyone happy, but can make the kids happy, and to me that's what it's all about. Not the adults who complained.


October 30, 2012
7:41:02 PM

Entry #: 4003291
All I'm saying is it needs to be top 2 that move on... That's it!!


October 30, 2012
7:49:35 PM

Entry #: 4003298
I agree that it should only be the top two teams!! Its too much of a long day for the kids to be sitting in the stands for that long. Clearly that was a issue this past weekend when the teams where on the mat and all you could hear was chatter in the stands. I really think invites should be done with.


October 30, 2012
7:59:35 PM

Entry #: 4003306
I understand what you are saying, and I'm just saying, that unless 8 conference's compete against each other and only top 2 move on from there, then there are always gonna be teams that qualify because of their scores, and they deserve a shot at being number 1 or 2 at regionals. Not some team that didn't compete against anyone and they get to go just because.


October 30, 2012
8:02:39 PM

Entry #: 4003311
Then it should be based on the 8 squads that got the highest score regardless of the state. I mean... My squad only went against one at states but were going into qualifiers with the highest score.


October 30, 2012
8:06:11 PM

Entry #: 4003314
I think we need to put the top 2 invite qualify argument to rest already, Lynette said it best not everyone is going to be happy and this way right now lets cheerleaders of all ages, size, levels compete in a fair competition. Lets just move on already this argument/opinion is so old.


October 30, 2012
8:38:12 PM

Entry #: 4003338 do you know the scores of the other leagues to determine you're going in with the highest score? How do we find this out?


October 30, 2012
8:40:53 PM

Entry #: 4003339
AlissaJayne you do not know the scores from other leagues. That is a lie.


October 30, 2012
8:46:19 PM

Entry #: 4003346
The scores were sent out to some coordinators I think to help them decided to accept invites or not.


October 30, 2012
8:55:00 PM

Entry #: 4003355
^^^what she said^^^

Lisa Sachmom

October 30, 2012
9:52:59 PM

Entry #: 4003386
actually wdw, back in the day they always advanced the top three teams in each division. for the past few years, this subject has been explained over and over. I really think the word "INVITE" should stop being is "qualify". it is what it is and it truly seems to work.

Lisa Sachmom

October 30, 2012
10:19:15 PM

Entry #: 4003407
made a mistake...meant whw
I guess wdw is on my mind


October 30, 2012
10:27:16 PM

Entry #: 4003414
I've been coaching for a long time and have been on both sides of "invites/qualifying team". If you coach your team and provide them with the skills they need, there is no need to worry about who else is coming in the division. You need only worry about your team and if you sent them on the mat prepared.


October 30, 2012
10:33:55 PM

Entry #: 4003417
Top 3 would be great seeing that it what typically happens anyway except the #3 is called an invite it stinks too because some organizations have no clue how qualifying works and they refuse to allow a team that has qualified to except the invitation and the girls and coaches end up heartbroken the system really needs to be redone


October 31, 2012
12:52:04 AM

Entry #: 4003460
Honestly check all my post all i ever do is ask for opinions on teams especially midget and jr midget teams bcuz thats all ive ever coached, the subject as to who moves on is old very old its another chance for the qualifying team and if you placed then shes right you shouldnt be worried and as far as small med lg novice int adv level 1234, its to make it fair you cant have a small novice team like chelsea (who by the way have come very far) compete aganist lg advance teams like burlington revere everett malden because thats how it use to b and it is about the kids not us and now they have better chances at experiencing a win. jUST SAYING***


October 31, 2012
7:12:46 AM

Entry #: 4003509
Ok so back to the original question at hand.. When will the OOA be out??


October 31, 2012
7:34:52 AM

Entry #: 4003518
when a football team loses, they are done, they do not get a second chance. Same with soccer, same with hockey and baseball.


October 31, 2012
8:44:59 AM

Entry #: 4003535
Technically that is not true. If that were the case then only undefeated teams would play in the Superbowl. If the team loses they get the following week to redeem themselves and so on. They can still have a chance at playoffs.

I understand both sides of invites. This is a never ending argument. Continuing to complain about it is not going to change anything for this year. Lets think about qualifers and how exciting it is going to be! only 3 and 4 more days!! :)


October 31, 2012
9:21:58 AM

Entry #: 4003552
I can tell you that the only invites I have seen are teams that are scoring higher than the top two of teams that have qualified. They are not just giving invites to fill slots. How else can you explain 10 JPW Med 2 in Saturday and only 4 on Sunday? Were there more teams, absolutely, but they didn't get any "invites" because there scores didn't qualify. At Regionals, it's the same thing. The top teams go and deserved to go. Period.


October 31, 2012
9:50:45 AM

Entry #: 4003564
There are only four on Sunday because Hockamocks JPWs don't compete and Ocean State didn't have any in that division. When I looked a while back, I don't think either CT league had many teams either. I know Derby is in there and they are usually tough. Chelsea got the invite because they were the third highest scoring team overall, even out of the other conferences, a point ahead of Sakonnet, who was fourth, and I want to say Bedford was fifth and they were a point behind Sakonnet. That division is going to be close for second. Dracut was the highest score by a five point margin so barring anything happening on the mat, they will be tough to beat.


October 31, 2012
9:52:37 AM

Entry #: 4003566
If I had to guess, I'd say third place and probably fourth in that division will qualify for regionals. I haven't seen any CT scores though, so who knows.


October 31, 2012
9:56:05 AM

Entry #: 4003568
There are actually 8 teams in the JPW Division I was referencing.

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