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Author TOPIC: Everett

October 30, 2012
12:08:03 PM

Entry #: 4002921
I would like to Congratulate all of the Everett Crimson Tide Football Teams and Cheerleading moving on! To the rest of our teams we had a GREAT season and can not wait to see what you kids will bring!!!
The cheerleaders brought home 5 EMass Championships on Saturday advancing them to Qualifiers! A,C1,C2,D1, & D2
The football players brought home 3 GBL Titles advancing them to the playoffs! A(Patriot), B, & C1


October 30, 2012
6:44:52 PM

Entry #: 4003247
From Saugus... Congrats to your girls all teams were great. I love the JPW 3 routine. They are really good cheerleaders and fun to watch


November 1, 2012
11:26:25 AM

Entry #: 4004336
Thank you for the kind words! Saugus also was very fun to watch along with a bunch of other cities!!! In some of the Divisions there is SOOOO many great teams to compete against! GOOD LUCK TO SAUGUS AND ALL OF EASTERN MASS THIS SATURDAY!!! I would also like to give a BIG GOOD LUCK to the Everett Crimson Tide Patriot Division team tonight in their first playoff game!


November 1, 2012
4:02:18 PM

Entry #: 4004584
Very impressed with Everett as always! Can't wait to see you guys saturday! Nationals 2012 x6 ? LOVE IT!


November 2, 2012
9:46:09 AM

Entry #: 4004982
Thank you the kids and board members have done a great job with the new transition this year! Nationals 2012 x 6? Try Nationals 2012 x 9 lol! We still have 3 football teams in the playoffs! I cant wait for Saturday GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!!

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