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Author TOPIC: Jr Midget level 3

November 1, 2012
9:59:45 AM

Entry #: 4004274
Any predictions who will win at regionals in Jr Midget level 3 this year? Will east lynn be making another trip down south?


November 1, 2012
10:00:55 AM

Entry #: 4004277
Jr midget medium level 3


November 1, 2012
10:25:25 AM

Entry #: 4004295
I think all are evenly matched skill wise.. it's going to be who hits and who sells it!


November 1, 2012
10:30:06 AM

Entry #: 4004302
I agree! This is going to be a good one to watch!


November 1, 2012
10:42:26 AM

Entry #: 4004310
Top 2 teams would advance from regionals is that right?


November 1, 2012
10:43:44 AM

Entry #: 4004312
yes top 2 in each catergory advance to nationals


November 1, 2012
10:58:27 AM

Entry #: 4004320
Thank you. Im new to the whole cheering scene.

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