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November 11, 2012
1:18:36 AM

Entry #: 4009911
One of my favorite teams of the day was the Saugus Jr Midgets. Great job girls! Good luck to all the teams in Disney! :)


November 11, 2012
10:36:39 AM

Entry #: 4009976
I agree. I really liked Saugus Jr. Midget. I thought they were outstanding. I'm surprised they got 2nd and not 1st


November 11, 2012
12:00:28 PM

Entry #: 4010010
My Tide Jr pee wee level 3 i LOVEDDD and Dracut Pee wee level 4 LOVEDD- Taunton Level 4 Midgets LOVEDDD


November 11, 2012
11:16:36 PM

Entry #: 4010342
I loved Saugus jr midget too and also east Lynn jr midget!


November 12, 2012
7:36:59 AM

Entry #: 4010400
dracuts pee wee is amazing i also loved everett jr pee wee level 3 team very entertaining


November 12, 2012
2:22:03 PM

Entry #: 4010620
I have to agree that Tide Jr pee wee 3 team was incredible Im from Saugus and have been watching them since Emass they are really entertaining

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