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Author TOPIC: lanesville game

December 2, 2012
11:26:00 AM

Entry #: 4019036
Way to start the season rams. It was a very exciting game to watch and I love how we battled back and never gave up and the coaches never gave up and kept coaching unlike past couple years. We have so many weapons and the boys playing together as a team is so fun to watch. I am encouraging everyone to come out and watch the boys play Paoli basketball like it use to be. Thanks to coach cole and all the coaches I know its early in the season but you can already tell that Paoli boys basketball is headed back in the right direction.


December 3, 2012
4:50:35 PM

Entry #: 4019544
you know when they were down by 12 it was nice too see the "Traditional Paoli Run" return and help the Rams to the victory you know the "Bad Boys" version of the late 1980s- earlys 1990s Detroit Pistons had a player on the team named Vinny Johnson they called him "The Microwave" because when he hit two or three shots in a row he may go for 20 or 25 points that night or he may hit like 6 threes in a row or something like that anyway The Rams we are going to have to call Garrett Strange & Skyler Stroud the "Toaster Ovens" because when they hit a few 3-pointers in a row it's Toast for the other team lol but anyway I think The Rams are starting to get into that geasr where they are getting their football legs out from underneath them and their basketball legs coming too them starting too look like the days old glory around the boys basketball program

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