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Author TOPIC: Balky Talky

January 15, 2013
5:45:19 PM

Entry #: 4027511
Balky Talky
Disclaimer If you like baseball read my observations on the rule change that today was approved by the owners in theMLB (players yet to vote), if you don’t like baseball DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME it’s kind of long and wont interest you.
Two interesting ways turning a fake to 3rd throw to 1st into a balk changes the game of baseball. There are many more, these are more technical and interesting to think about.
Number 1- Effect on the Finesse pitcher: If the rule is changed major league pitchers who rely on the their off-speed pitches like N.L. Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey, or pitchers who are slower to the plate are going to find themselves in a tough situation made tougher when dealing with runners on first and third. When gone is the threat of the fake to 3rd and pick off 1st, offenses are going to be in an mostly automatic steal mode against guy likes this, resulting in more successful steals of second and home, and also more runners in scoring position. Furthermore, hitters will find these types of pitchers a lot easier to deal with seeing more fastballs to hit in effort to thwart the stealing runner, leaving their more effective off-speed forte style pitches on the bookshelf. More intricately how the offense benefits from the rule change is as follows for the base runner the rule change allows him to go on the first move of the RHP’s front leg making the steal attempt much easier and nearly guarantees a successful steal attempt on a breaking pitch or even a fastball against the these types of pitcher, compiled with an already tough to handle off-speed pitch even a catcher with the strongest arm is going to have problems throwing runners out with the extra head start they get. That effects the aforementioned pitch selection causing teams to choose to throw more fastballs in this situation giving the hitter the advantage in the pitcher vs. hitter battle which will result in more RBIs.
Number 2: a left hander under the new rule change will be more effective at holding runners in a first and third situation I think this has less of an effect on the game but is still a possibility and interesting to think about. You’re a MLB manger your down 2 late in the game, one out runners on first and third, National League your pitchers up and you want to pinch hit, American league you have a lefty coming to the plate. Now managers are going to favor bringing in Right Handed hitters to pinch hit here in an effort to force the other manager to bring in a righty to for a righty right match up. Because if they go for the righty righty match up with the rule change it is now at least a little easier to steal second. So does the opposing manager bring in, or leave in, a lefty to face a right handed hitter now? He has to weigh the options between an unfavorable pitcher vs. hitter match up (lefty vs. righty) or stay with or go to a left hander who under the new rule change will be more effective at holding runners in a first and third situation. Maybe they will maybe the wont, but it will have them studying their personal and the percentages for this change in the game situation.
Those are just two situations that I thought of that will change in the game of baseball with a seemingly small rule change, I know there are a lot more but I hate typing, so if some people want to comment that would be cool cuz its January and I’m freezing, talking about baseball would be I welcomed distraction right about now. So let’s hear it. T Tomp


January 15, 2013
5:58:15 PM

Entry #: 4027516
also if its changed in the mlb, does that mean that it is also changed int the indy league...WBA....we should prob figure that out too


January 15, 2013
6:26:45 PM

Entry #: 4027528
I think this is really interesting. I hadn't fully thought out the impact of the rule change. I think it does apply to us, because the Indy just plays by American League rule right? If it's not already on the agenda at the league meeting it should definitely be clarified. Well done TNT, this is cool.


January 15, 2013
6:31:01 PM

Entry #: 4027530
I'll remember that when I'm on the mound this summer.

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