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Author TOPIC: Midseason
Ram Forever32

January 16, 2013
1:18:42 PM

Entry #: 4027660
As both the Paoli Boys and Girls Basketball teams have reached the midpoint in their season (girls a little past) just thought I would give some thoughts to the seasons so far by both teams.

First off I would like to say that both teams have been fun to watch to this point in the season, and hopefully there are a lot of games left for both teams. With season records to this point standing at 8-2 for the Boys and 12-0 for the Girls, success is something that has obviously found Paoli Basketball this 2012-2013 season. However as I'm sure Coach Cole and Coach Deckard would be quick to point out, they still have a lot of basketball left to play.

Let's start with the Boys season so far. Their record of 8-2 could easily be 10-0 if not for a pair of one point losses, however I think that down the road those games will prove to be probably more valuable than being undefeated at this point would be. There obviously were changes put in place, just as there is any time a new coach and system is installed, and I think that each night the Rams gain a little bit toward playing the way that Coach Cole wants them to play. There really isn't any point in reliving the past few seasons anymore, because however bad those were they are over and done, and to continue to bring them up over and over, and talk about the previous coach at this point is really just pointless. He has moved on to some other venture in some other place, and Paoli has found a coach who is a very good fit for what they want to accomplish. Dusty did a tremendous job building the girls program up, and he will do the same with the boys. The schedule picks up a little bit the next few weekends with trips to Valley, Southridge, Corydon and Orleans, and our next home game being against Brownstown. This is a crucial stretch in the season for the Rams and if they can compete and have success in these games I think it will go a long way toward building them up for the sectional and beyond. Strength of the season I feel like so far has been our improvement on the defensive end of the floor, and also the play our bench has provided in games. There are still plenty of areas that need improvement, but that will be the case in most every season no matter the talent level. The main thing for the Rams at this point is to keep moving forward, and that includes everyone (players, coaches and fans.)

Now on to the Girls! Obvious things stand out about this group of girls, the first being their #2 ranking and 12-0 unblemished record, also wins over quality teams in Barr Reeve, Dubois and Perry Central, and also last night's thumping of an 11-2 Mitchell team. If you haven't had the opportunity to get out and see these girls play you should put that on your calendar as something you really need to do in 2013, they are worth it for sure! They play solid defense, for the most part have good shot selection and play together very well as a team. Coach Deckard has done a remarkable job in what I felt like when he took the job was a no win situation for him. If the team had success many folks would feel like it was because of what Dusty had built, and if he lost then he would have ruined what had been built. Watching the games I feel like he is a really good fit with this group of girls. He lets them play their game, but they also play within the system he has put in place. I know there were some hard feelings when the change occurred (Coach Cole to the Boys and Coach Deckard taking his place along the Lady Rams sideline) however after watching the season of both teams so far, I feel like each of the Paoli Basketball Teams has the best coach on the sideline for both teams. Kudos to Coach Deckard and the girls for continuing success!

Overall it is very exciting to see Paoli Basketball where it is right now. The future will bring about new challenges, but all involved need to remember that even though there have been traditions built by playing a certain way, Coach Cole and Coach Deckard aren't carbon copies of someone else, and they have found success in this season by utilizing the tools they have both with players and coaching staff. Keep up the work Rams and Lady Rams, and Good Luck in the season moving forward!

Ram Forever32

January 16, 2013
1:19:54 PM

Entry #: 4027661
I apologize for repeatedly saying Coach Deckard, I meant Coach Decker!


January 16, 2013
4:02:40 PM

Entry #: 4027691
I agree with everything you have said the only thing I would add is if you haven't seen the boys play you need to add that to your calendar of things to do as well. There is a lot of talent on the boys team and dusty isnt afraid to go deep on his bench and the way the boys get after you on defense is fun to watch with lots of big boys down low and a couple boys that can shoot the three pointer and the speed on this team makes for a fun game to watch. I hope everyone comes to valley this Friday night to watch a good game between 2 county rivals..GO RAMS!!!

Ram Forever32

January 16, 2013
4:28:20 PM

Entry #: 4027695
I do agree with that, if you haven't seen the boys play yet, come out and watch them. They play hard and are fun to watch. Also I agree that it would be nice to take a HUGE crowd to Valley on Friday night for the annual game with the Hawks!


January 16, 2013
8:10:24 PM

Entry #: 4027740
Ram Forever32 I may or may not know you but I just want to say that your initial post that was one heckuva post you keeping writing posts like that you're going to put me out of business lol keep writing them

Everything that needs to be said has been said in this little thread but I just want to say that not just for the Valley game but from here on out I want too see the fans come out and support the boys team just want to see that Purple Haze around the gynasium like the Good Ol' Days

Ram Forever32

January 17, 2013
12:00:49 PM

Entry #: 4027826
I appreciate that Shizz, but don't think I'm ready to take your job just yet. LOL I also agree that we need to get the attendance up for the remainder of the season and show support for the Boys and Girls teams both! Come out and support the Rams and Lady Rams and see some good basketball!

Ram fan

January 17, 2013
2:12:05 PM

Entry #: 4027853
Forever ... you KNOW I will be there!

Ram Forever32

January 17, 2013
3:05:27 PM

Entry #: 4027863
As will I Ram Fan.....


January 17, 2013
4:32:22 PM

Entry #: 4027880

You know i've been thinking about making the trip down to the ol' "Hawk's Nest" or "Bird's Landing" or whatever you wanna call Valley's gym to watch the game tomorrow night hope they have laid off of the salt on the popcorn though usually their popcorn has enough salt on it that it will choke a horse anyway you know the more I watch this team it reminds me of that 1998-1999 team that went to the state finals that Dusty was apart of at least too me they look to be running they same style of offense should be interesting the rest of the way I just want 3 things from this season 1. beat Orleans 2. Win the PLAC Conference 3. Win at least Sectional and all 3 of those things could very well happen


January 18, 2013
5:28:37 PM

Entry #: 4028063
Shizz we keep telling everyone to come to the games and support the rams and I don't think I have seen you at any road games.we will see how big of a fan u are if you make it to the southridge


January 19, 2013
5:31:26 PM

Entry #: 4028187
Well history shows that I outside of tournament games I rarely attend Paoli's away games but I did attend the game at Springs Valley (which I have to say the popcorn was pretty good and not salty) and I don't know how you wouldn't know I was there because everyone in French Lick came by too shake Joe Bird's hand lol with that said i've been to Southridge numerous times actually like watching games there so you never know I migh show up or might not hope The Rams win though

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