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Author TOPIC: establishing a monumental organization
Serious flag player

February 11, 2013
3:53:36 PM

Entry #: 4032436
Are you tired of the same ole same ole?...coming up short, bad coaching, no dedication, surrounded by players who don't have a passion for the game of football...then surround urself amongst athletes, strategic minded players who have confidence in their abilities to go out and make it happen! I want to gather an elite group of talented individuals who's only purpose is to win and have fun doin it! I've played flag for several years now! Started up the Legendary Ely and moved forward to the Waffl. I was formerly apart of an existing team but I decided to part ways for obvious reasons! I want to create a successful program of my own but I can not do it alone. I'm looking for PLAYERS, players that want to mold and establish a new foundation for SUCCESS! When my plan goes into affect the weak will not be considered for I only want the best. My name is Twin...y'all might know me

ohhhhhh kaaay

February 11, 2013
10:21:43 PM

Entry #: 4032513
But just in case we dont know you how about a lil more backround on who you left for "obvious reasons" and what division team you looking to start with and how about some contact info. Folks aint gone play themselves out on this message board to say "hey im available!! No one else is calling my phone so please pick me up!!" IJS, if you that old and legendary these young cats proly dont know who you is, and from the sounds of your post you looking for young talent to mold. Like i said,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,IJS.

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