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Author TOPIC: TEAMGQ needs help

February 18, 2013
2:51:28 PM

Entry #: 4033653
TEAMGQ has lost a few players going into 2013.

Please help us stay alive in CMSL.

We currently have 9, possible 10 players.

We are in serious need of roster help, otherwise we hAvto pullout of CMSL. Due to exemption rules & player lateral movement we are down to 9.

If anyone is looking to play on a fun team with expenses paid call/text me asap!

We DON'T have room for any exempts. Only vested players.



February 18, 2013
5:18:56 PM

Entry #: 4033684
you sure do need help. Your big off season acquistion is a statue shortstop with a 368 lifetime average. Good luck Big Boss. There ae more than a few excellent free agent players in the league right now if I am not mistaken.


February 18, 2013
9:39:28 PM

Entry #: 4033727
I'm tryin bobby...had a few guys leave without a Dear John letter, lol...but I guess breakups aren't always easy LMAO! !.. but cmon go easy on the avg .360 guy...jeez ... the utha guy iz avg .860, so its a good duo ... it ain't easy building & maintaining a dynasty in CMSL. ..I hav a looong way to go..but ill settle for anutha hard run for the big trophy..

It IS a dam shame too many good teams folded this'll be like that old saying..."taking candy from a baby" wen we play "u"!!!


Shit!.. I almost forgot bout those freakin MONSTER MOULTON BOYS...FUKKK!!.. Can we just play them like every other week??.. or at least til they get tired or too drunk or somethin??? WTF. . Those guys were at the field at 6a.m. on playoff day doing fukkin pushups n snorting red bulls...I can barely get my olding ass outta bed by 10am, never mind my team of rockstars...smh


February 19, 2013
9:46:46 AM

Entry #: 4033790
2012 Champs: CM
2011 Champs: BOTELHO
2010 Champs: CM
2009 Champs: BOTELHO
2008 Champs: VFW
2007 Champs: BOTELHO

All those letters listed above and not one a G or a Q. I dont see a J or D either. Before the dynasty talk starts please make the finals....even once. And I must tip my cap to you for trolling SMACK World for players rather than your usualy method of filling your roster with illegal players. Pick the VFW and EMBRACE carion for players as a start. See you soon Big Boss.


February 19, 2013
11:21:43 PM

Entry #: 4033995
Yu are RIGHT! LB4LB. TEAMGQ has gotten waay too much free press in CMSL. .. weve only just begun!.. our lil ragtag bunch only has 3 seasons there ..and yes..its true we didn't kno wut were doing season 1&2.. figuring out these midevil bylaws n such...our player who was "illegal" was found subbing on an 0-26 scrub team in Warwick. .as was his 2 buddies wut a shame for tha to be the legacy of TEAMGQ in CMSL. ..bunch of die hard cheaters lol

But. As of last season, when I officially took over management, weve tried our best to learn & abide by the CMSL bylaws. .especially under the investigative prowess of the trolling softball police LMBO! !


February 19, 2013
11:28:08 PM

Entry #: 4033996
If u kno of ANY young fast players who'd like to play on a well outfitted team, please send them my way?.. we are still trying to get the required 15 minimum players to submit a roster. Thank u!!!

Hopefully we can stay in the league...we do enjoy it here..I'm the biggest advocate & promoter of CMSL. .I've made lots of great friendships & aquaintences here..


February 20, 2013
2:27:01 PM

Entry #: 4034086
You can have ernie wright..just as long as you can deal with someone having a mental breakdown if he gets walked....sobs when he cant play infield....makes your 2 best guys quit.....tals shit about the coach...hates everyone in the league including himself...plays the outfield 450ft away..tries to fight the sponsor....shoots middle on 47 yr old pitchers...has 2 belly buttons...refuses to pay his league fee... and cant perform every other weekend cause he works all night in 600 degree rooms....if you can handle all that...give him a ring


February 20, 2013
4:37:19 PM

Entry #: 4034118
Dont forget his new and inproved woobie...he traded Dutilly & Riley in for a set of Tits....


February 20, 2013
9:42:18 PM

Entry #: 4034157
Not to mention he would look great with a silver blowout and Versace shades! If you can take him to spardellos and get him fitted for a 5x velour jumpsuit you would prob have a deal. You could even pick fish hill as a a home field and never worry about fitting your 11 man roster on the 6' bench because he will be in the middle of joe Strauss's soccer field smooching with his boo!!!


February 20, 2013
10:14:52 PM

Entry #: 4034167
EW ????? Where u @????

LMBO! !... u guys turn my frown upside down..Bahahaha. ..@slezak...HEY! I resemble that remark! ...I would take offense, but its too fukkin funny haha! #gotme?

Oh maan..I can't wait to play this season..oh wait..I mean coach first & 3rd where I'm better suited lol... I think a NEWjumpsuit is def in the cards

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