| Roosters Baseball
April 3, 2013 2:14:40 PM
Entry #: 4043968
| North St. Paul Roosters are looking to add about 5 more games this summer. We are able to host at White Bear Township fields on either Sunday 7/7 or 7/14, game would start at 2pm. We could also host Wednesday 5/22 or 7/24 8pm start. 9 Inning games and split one umpire. Also if anyone has open dates to host us please let me know. Our open dates for away games are: 5/21, 6/10, 6/11, 6/13, 6/14, 6/15, 6/16, 6/17, 6/18, 6/24, 6/25, 6/27, 6/28, 7/8, 7/9, 7/11, 7/12, 7/14, 7/20, 7/23.
If interest please email roosterbaseball@gmail.com.
Thank you!