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Author TOPIC: Kicking guys off teams
League vet

April 22, 2013
7:19:54 AM

Entry #: 4049353
Speaking with a few guys around the league , it has come to my attention that a lot of loyal and great guys have been forced off their teams. If a guy was on your team and showed great loyalty, why are these guys told that they won't get any playing time with a team they have played on for years. Managers, this is a men's league and you guys have proven what it's league is about. Recruiting young studs and benching your friends. We will see what happens at the draft but I can't believe the lack of devotion in a beer league. This is not MLB, this is supposed to be fun. Stop this bs and I'm sad to hear what's going on. Good luck to all


April 22, 2013
6:06:13 PM

Entry #: 4049600
I got an idea, instead of beating around the bush with your indirect accussing grow a sac and air who your talking about, and if you feel mistreated join a church league cuz you probably suck at ball and thats why your not playing.

CC & Coke

April 23, 2013
7:30:53 PM

Entry #: 4049976
Only one team does this, that explains why they never win.


April 24, 2013
12:23:30 PM

Entry #: 4050235
Missing someone but trying to forget. It's not easy.


April 24, 2013
4:41:25 PM

Entry #: 4050344
vets have got to realize they are in control of their situation not the team manager. they can't believe the threat of reduced playing time, because all players have to sit equally. the manager may control their position played, but cannot tell a guy a to leave a team or sit him more than the other players. that is why on your registration form you are asked wether or not you want to join the the A draft. your team cannot force you out, even if they want to.


April 25, 2013
7:29:12 AM

Entry #: 4050522
To all that players that had to leave teams. Don't feel sad over someone who gave up on you, feel sorry for them because they gave up on someone who would have never given up on them.


April 26, 2013
3:34:41 PM

Entry #: 4050994
You can't change past history. But, you can change the future's history by cleansing your soul.Forget, forgive, and love to all.


April 29, 2013
7:50:41 PM

Entry #: 4051878
The team that does this should automatically be placed in the cony round for the playoffs.


May 2, 2013
6:19:37 AM

Entry #: 4052881
I agree with the above statements.True leadership is based on a spiritual quality the power to inspire, the power to inspire others to follow. Buying leadership does not work.

League vet

November 20, 2013
12:04:44 AM

Entry #: 4105557
Open comment to MAS
The people you have in your life are there for a reason, they are a part of who you are & you are a part of who they are its consciousness.


November 21, 2013
7:24:39 PM

Entry #: 4105853
What do you guys think is the most important factor when building your team? For us, it's personality. Did u get that message MAS?


November 23, 2013
10:19:36 AM

Entry #: 4106023
Reading this forum lately makes me conclude one thing, the MAS guys are now on here asking for mercy. Man up and take your punishment. Play in that other crappy disorganized league, they deserves folks like you guys.


November 24, 2013
11:59:02 PM

Entry #: 4106277
Get all of them out of this league.

Guy Smiley

November 27, 2013
7:37:22 PM

Entry #: 4106713
It is better to remain silent & be thought a fool that to speak & remove all doubt or send emails to your teammates. Enjoy the ball regarless of the outcome.


November 30, 2013
9:38:32 AM

Entry #: 4106876
Hit like this and you may be removed from the team


December 3, 2013
12:13:45 AM

Entry #: 4107110
99% of everything that happens to you...Is result of a choice you've made... It is too late now..


December 5, 2013
6:44:43 AM

Entry #: 4107327
Based on a psychological study, stupidity only lasts for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you all ready playing for MAS.


December 23, 2013
7:18:56 AM

Entry #: 4108900

TEAM Mas has lost a few players going into 2014.

Please help us stay alive in USPL.

We currently have 9, possible 10 players.

We are in serious need of roster help. Due to sudden unexpected retirement and reg forms filled out with A draft.

If anyone is looking to play on a fun team with expenses paid call/text me asap! 

We DON'T have room for any older players. Only great players. 



December 28, 2013
7:05:34 PM

Entry #: 4109121
This punk on mas need to review the 3 C's in life:
You must make the Choice, to take the Chance, if you want anything in life to Change. He may not be intelligent enough to understand.


January 1, 2014
11:56:20 AM

Entry #: 4109274
My goal for 2014 is to become a sponsored slo pitch player. Hey mizuno, easton, combat and worth I'm not that good but I'm out there a lot and a nice guy.


January 6, 2014
12:00:15 PM

Entry #: 4109616
Hey Carp, Don't know who said it, but on this Blue Monday remember: "You have to fight thru some bad days to earn the best days of your life."


January 12, 2014
4:21:59 PM

Entry #: 4110369
Is any of the MAS players coming back in this year?


January 21, 2014
7:26:03 AM

Entry #: 4111298
Can we get an update on this issue?


February 9, 2014
11:33:10 AM

Entry #: 4113340


March 1, 2014
10:01:44 AM

Entry #: 4115210
Two things
Leadership is doing what is right when no one is watching.

Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.

Cocoa Mix

March 8, 2014
4:35:47 PM

Entry #: 4115979
Call me crazy but insinuating teammates that aren't playing well enough and the loss of friends is no excuse, it is ridiculously tasteless.

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